"Anything for my princess"

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Gundham and Asahina had been dating for a few weeks now and they had finally decided to go on their first date. Gundham had let Asahina choose the location, and and she chose the aquarium. A place the two could enjoy together.

As the two looked at all the sea creatures, Aoi happened to find the merch stand and was looking at the dolphin items.

"Gun-kun, look! Dolphins! They're my favorite animal. Doesn't this blue one look so cute," the Ultimate Swimming Pro said, holding up a pale blue dolphin that happened to be the same color of her eyes.

"It is quite ravishing, my princess. The color is quite similar to that of your eyes. Would you like me to purchase it for you?" Gundham asked.

Aoi nodded, giving her boyfriend a smile, "You'd really get it for me?"

"Anything for my princess. As long as it helps you continue to smile. The Majestic Water Princess deserves to smile all the time. So I shall purchase this majestic creature for you."

As Gundham paid for the dolphin, his devas peeked out of his scarf, as if to inspect the gift before Sun-D decided to hitch a ride on it to spend some time riding in the pocket of Asahina's jacket.

"It seems Sun-D has taken quite the liking to you. She is a brilliant judge of character. And if she approves, we must be quite the match," Gundham said when he noticed the actions Sun-D had taken.

This made Hina giggle, it was a bright and light. Almost as if the giggle itself was sparkling as much as Gundham though Aoi was.

The two then spent some more time looking at the fish before they returned to Hope's Peak Academy.

Gundham walked Aoi to her room before coaxing Sun-D back into his scarf. It was a struggle as she had decided she really didn't want to leave the coziness of Asahina's pocket. He then bent down and kissed his girlfriend's forehead.

"Goodnight my sweet water princess. Until we see each other again." He said as Aoi entered her room.

"Goodnight my Charming Overlord of Ice. May our next meeting be as perfect as our last," Aoi said in return as she closed the door to her room, her new dolphin in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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