chapter 6 2 years later

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  Last episode
They told the fans some left and never came back and some cheered there dad was proud and still is proud of his boys

Kevin's point of view
It's been 2 years since we told the fan mine and Frankie's relationship has been strong we still love each other today I'm planning on asking him to marry me I've asked Joe and Nick to help me out I max text them
Kevin: hey guys can u help me out
Joe: what's up
Nick: anything u want
Kevin: I want to ask Frankie to marry me
Joe and Nick: ahhhhhhhh
Nick: what can we do
Kevin: Nick u can take Frankie out
Joe: when do u want to do this
Kevin: Frankie is asleep right now
Nick: u want us to come over
Kevin: that would  be great just don't wake Frankie we had a fun night last night (we all know what that means😉😉)
Joe: we will be over in a few minutes
They all got off max text Joe and Nick got in there car and drove to Fraivn's house
Joe: (knocked on the door)
Kevin: (opened the door) hi guys come in
Nick: morning Kevin how are u
Kevin: I'm good

2 Hours later
Frankie woke up for dressed and walked to the living room and sat in Kevin's lap
Kevin: did u sleep ok baby boy
Frankie: (yawned) I'm good considering what we did last night (was not sex just big BJ) (we all know what a BJ is)
Nick: Frankie u want to hang out today
Frankie: sure let me just eat breakfast then we can go hang out (stood up and went to the kitchen to make his breakfast)
With that Kevin told Nick and Joe the plan
Joe: ok we will need somethings like rose petals strimmers and the engagement ring 
Kevin: I already have the engagement ring
Nick: can we see it
Kevin: sure here it is

2 Hours later Frankie woke up for dressed and walked to the living room and sat in Kevin's lap Kevin: did u sleep ok baby boy Frankie: (yawned) I'm good considering what we did last night (was not sex just big BJ) (we all know what a BJ is)Nick: F...

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Joe: omg Frankie's going to love it
Nick: how long do u want me to keep Frankie out for
Kevin: a few hours
Nick: I will try

Soon Frankie was done eating breakfast and was ready to go
Nick and Frankie were on the way to hang out
Nick chose to go to a movie and then to eat out the movie was 2 hours long and eating lunch was going to be 2 hours also

4 hours later
Kevin called Nick
Kevin: time to bring him home we're ready
Nick: ok we're done with our lunch we'll be home soon
They hung up and got done eating threw the trash away and walked back to the car and drove back home
When they got there Frankie noticed the door was locked so he used his key to get in and saw the rose petals on the floor he let tears fall seeing it then walked a little fether and saw more rose petals leading to the living room with a heart made out of rose petals and Kevin in the middle of it on one knee he walked into the heart
Kevin: (on one knee) Frankie when u were little i knew I had a crush on u but it would have been bad if we started dating since u were to young at the time but when we started dating 3 years ago I knew one day u would be mine forever today is that day Frankie George Jonas (don't know his real middle name) will u marry me
Frankie: (tears in his eyes) yes Kevin I will marry u
Kevin: ( put the ring on his finger stood  up and kissed his brother, boyfriend,and soon to be husband)

Also Nick and Joe have been married for a few months
That will be in 5he next chapter

I hope u like this chapter

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