"Hello pretty lady"

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Hello there, I'm Gisella and this is the story of how I met my future husband. It all started a few years back when I was fourteen

Dad: Gisella! Get your ass out here we're going out!
Me: Coming dad!
Mom:Now or I'll beat the living fuck out of you!
Me:I'm coming!

I jumped in the car and looked out the window until we got to the meadow. I was running through the flowers like I always do when I saw these glowing orange eyes. They were pretty but tense as though they were angry.

Voice: Come here Gisella
Me:How did you know my name?
Voice:I know everything Gisella. For example those bruises on your arm are from your mom hitting you with a bat yesterday.
Me:Y-yeah they are
Voice:I can take you away. I can save you from them.
Me:You can?
Voice: Yes I can. But you have to come here.

I went down to a deeper part of the meadow in search of the person who held that voice. The voice was rough and angry but it had a sweetness to it. The boy who held this voice fell down from the tree vines and came up to me. He had majestic orange eyes and the prettiest red hair I had ever seen.

Me: what's your name pretty boy?
Voice: My name is Alexis
Me: Hello Alexis
Alexis: Hello Gisella, would you like to walk around the meadow with me?
Me: Of course I would.

He walks me around pats of the meadow I had never seen and shows me some of the prettiest flowers I had ever seen. I turn around and see him holding a white rose.

Alexis: Put this in your hair as a reminder of the fact that I gave it to you. Just in case we don't see each other again.
Me: Aww thank you! I'll cherish it forever.
Alexis: Your welcome madam.

I gave Alexis a special pendant that the girls in my family give to their partners.

Me: Here. This way if we don't see each other again I'll know it's you because you have the special family pendant.
Alexis: Thank you gorgeous. I will cherish this special gift.

I giggle and grab his hand to lead him to the lake. We played in the lake for a few hours until my parents called me.

Me: I have to go my parents called.
Alexis: But they hurt you. You can stay with me so they can't hurt you anymore.
Me:I really can't but one day I'll runaway from them and stay here at the meadow.
Alexis: You promise to come back?
Me: I promise.

We nuzzle each other and I leave off to my parents car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2024 ⏰

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