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We are the armor of the order, and you are the blade of destiny, that will vanquish all those, that brings harm to all.

We are the shield that protects the innocent, and you are the sword that will strike down the evil ones, and be a symbol of peace, and honor.

We are the knights of the people, and you are the samurai of the clan, that fights for honor, to protect the innocent, to symbolize courage, to bring peace, balance, order, and unity.

We are the eyes of the night and day, the shield and sword of the people, and land, the warriors and guardians of all the land, and all of the people.

The symbol of hope, and peace for the land and people.

The beacon of courage, for the weak and broken.

The blade of honor, and the shield of the people, for the duty of the heart of the warriors and guardians.

And for the will to never falter, or be broken, to rise up and stand for the land, and for the people.

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