2 「I M P R I N T E D」 1

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𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐅'𝐒 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄, Catherine's smile had only grown larger after she heard her Uncle call out to her as she made her way down the hall.

The young Bunny already knew that he would love the lunch she'd brought for him, especially if she hadn't brought it he would've ended up either starving himself or going to the diner again.

Although that smile on her face grew confused as she caught a small glimpse of a very tanned back and short silky black hair quickly making their way out of the building.

"Who was that?" Catherine asked Jacqui as she fluffed out her jacket a little bit, she could already tell it was still raining outside.

"One of Sam Uley's boys," Jacqui answered with a simple shrug, causing Catherine's gaze to quickly turn towards the glass door. "they come in every few days to tell us about what's going on down on the rez."

Hearing the older woman's words, Catherine's mind quickly went back to what Jacob had said when they saw the group of boys cliff-diving the previous day.

She'd seen how fearful her boyfriend was about Sam's group, so if she could talk to one of them, and get them to leave him alone, that would make him happy.

And possibly give her some good girlfriend points, so she quickly began to rush towards the door, whilst grabbing her umbrella, causing Jacqui to look at her confused.

"Why the sudden rush," Jacqui asked sitting up straight, although Catherine wasn't paying attention as she quickly followed the Quileute boy. "Cathy?"

Swiftly opening up her umbrella to avoid the rain soaking her small form, Catherine rushed over towards the only running truck that hadn't been there when she'd arrived.

The young bunny was quick to gently knock on the window of the large 2000 Chevy Silverado 2500 truck, waiting a few seconds in the cold wind before glancing behind herself.

"What?" The young Quileute asked with a glare on his face, the young man not able to see Catherine's face as she turned around quickly at the sound of his voice.

"HI, I'm Catherine Dysis," Catherine introduced herself as she looked down at the ground with her umbrella slightly covering her head. "Chief Swan's niece."

Nervously she twisted where she stood, she didn't know how to start since she didn't know the man.

"Mmm." He hummed as he looked the girl over with an eyebrow raised, he had heard of the girl from Embry, and she looked exactly how he described.

"Jacob Black's my boyfriend?" Catherine attempted to get a bit closer to the man due to them knowing the same guy, hoping it would make this interaction less awkward as she rose her gaze to look him in the eye.

"No," The teen spoke with wide eyes, Embry didn't mention that although the teen's voice drifted off as he made eye contact with Catherine. "way."

His voice came out low and distant as he looked at her, his mind showing him their lives together, the two of them in the kitchen of a house him holding her as she cooked.

They were a bit older although not by much with her sitting in his lap in a rocking chair as they looked out on a warm spring morning, he could tell it was spring from the fog in the air as he gazed at her.

And one more with her lying under him in a bed, both of them fully naked as they moved and twisted around in silk blankets as they made love.

Paul was mesmerized as he looked at Catherine, a small smile coming over his face as he looked at the girl, although his mind was still replaying the visions he was given.

"Yeah, you know him right?" Catherine asked breaking the man from his vision, the girl still nervously playing with the bottom of her shirt as she shifted under the rain.

"Yeah-uhm it's cold," Paul answered hesitantly, his imprint was dating the future leader of his pack and it was already creating a heavyweight in his chest. "why don't we talk a bit more in my truck."

Hearing his words, Catherine hesitated heavily as she glanced from Paul, his truck, and the Sheriff's station as she didn't truly know what to do.

"Woo, I-I don't know," Catherine stuttered before she let out a nervous laugh, she knew that she could probably take the larger man, but it wasn't smart to just be with a random person. "I don't really know you."

Catherine didn't know why she was so nervous around the man, usually, she was a lot louder and brighter when she met new people, but now she felt the exact opposite.

"I'm Paul, Paul Lahote." Paul introduced himself now wishing he had earlier instead of acting so aloof, he didn't want his imprint to be afraid or nervous around him.

Although despite introducing himself, Paul could still see the hesitance on the girl's face so he went to take another step further as he chuckled.

"We're literally in front of the Sheriff's station," Paul spoke softly and slightly amused, the young teen giving the girl a soft smile causing her to slowly return it. "I promise it's just to get you out of the cold air, I wouldn't want the Sheriff's niece's to get sick because of me?"

"Pinky Promise?" Catherine held up her pinky as her last line of defense, whilst switching her umbrella to the other hand, she'd realized the teen was right so what was the harm in sitting out of the rain with him.

"Pinky Promise." Paul said letting out a small chuckle as he linked Pinkies with the young bunny girl, causing her to let out a small barrel of laughs before they unlinked.

So with a small chuckle, Catherine quickly made her way around the truck trying her best to avoid the rain that had started falling a bit harder around her.

And feeling the freezing air that was accompanied by the rain, Catherine couldn't help but let out a small surprised squeal as she sped up to quickly get in the car.

Closing her clear umbrella with pink hearts on top of it, Catherine tried her best to quickly close Paul's door, she didn't want the rain to soak the inside of the door, more than it already had that is.

"So," Paul said as he turned the heat up in his car as he noticed how much Catherine was shivering, unbeknownst to him it was only because Bunny didn't do well in cold, wet environments. "what were you saying?"

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