Which of us will it be?(made into story)

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I was beyond upset and hurt. but I needed to either get rid of the problem or move on. I was done with this whole thing.

I stood before the very man that I honestly thought wasn't  like the rest. but then again I've been fooled before

"I want you to tell me right here right now" I say

"tell you what?" Jax asked

"which of us will it be?" I asked

he looked between Tara and I.

"will it be the girl who tore your heart out and tried to change you before fucking off to Illinois. then came back only to use you for her stalker problem. allow our son to be kidnapped cause she's not capable of doing anything much less watch a baby." I say which made Tara glower at me but I ignored her

"or will it be the woman that mended your broken heart. showed you that despite who you are or what you are a part of it changes nothing or how she sees you. the woman who birthed your first child. your first son, the same woman you are set to marry in two weeks. the one who'se kept every single secret you've ever spilled and not dared to threaten to ratt or snitch. unless trash?" I asked

"wait what?" he asked

"pick then you'll find out" I say

"you. I don't want her. she had her change. & I am sorry that you suffered from my stupid ignorance over her." he says

I looked at tara and tilted my head before flipping her off.

"now here is the fun part" I say

"can I have all the sons to gather around please?" I Asked

they do as I asked.

"when it comes to snitches and backstabbing pieces of shit you all handle them and make sure they never live to see the light of day right?" I asked

they nodded their heads.

"well gentleman Tara Knowlege is a snitch. she's told Hale everything about you boys. she's broken into the garage to plant listening devices and she's done the same here. the recordings she's got are in her old man's place. while the rest are in her dad's cutlass." I tell them

they all looked at her and she looked scared shitless.

"How did you know?" she asked

"don't worry about that just know everything you planted was destroyed and so will the recordings and anything else you've had" I say

they grabbed her up and took off with her while those that didn't go went through the cutlass and destroyed all the recordings.

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