Chapter 10- Time

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Maggie huffed with impatience and checked the time. 12:07am. She scowled. Her new phone she had bought the day before after school with Freya buzzed in her hand. How'd you do on the Chemistry test? The message from Elliot read. She typed in a response.

Maggie: An A-. I missed a question :(

Elliot: I got an A

Maggie: Of course

Elliot: So you admit I'm infinitely smarter than you?

Maggie: never said that

Maggie: Why is Mr Straight-A student up so late anyway?

Elliot: Bella went out without me, and she said she'd be home at 11. :(

Elliot: not that I wanted to go

Maggie: lol

Maggie: Anyway I better get to sleep if I'm gonna wake up at 6

Elliot: Maggie

Maggie: What

Elliot: It's a public holiday tomorrow

Maggie: Holy shit

Maggie: What omg

Elliot: It's ANZAC day

Elliot: All the teachers were talking about it

Elliot: lol how'd u forget

Maggie: idfk

Elliot: How dare you disrespect the soldiers who fought for your freedom

Maggie: oops

Maggie: r u and Bella free tomorrow? Freya and I are going to the movies

Elliot: I think so

Elliot: what movie

Maggie: super Mario bros

Elliot: r u 9 years old

Maggie: u coming or not

Maggie: I'll ask Freya, they probs won't mind

Elliot: fine

Elliot: but only cos Bella has been wanting to see it

Maggie: good

Elliot: Bella just texted that she's 5 mins away

Maggie: goodnight

Elliot: technically good morning

Elliot: It's 12:19

Maggie: don't 'technically' me

Elliot: c u tomorrow

Maggie shut off her phone, smiling. She was free from her anxiety of getting a good sleep, but even in her relaxed state she couldn't drift off. She lay under her comfortably warm blankets, mind wandering. Darkness finally seeped into her mind, and Maggie let it take her.

It was the ringtone of Maggie's phone that woke her an hour later, and she groggily sat up in bed to pick up the vibrating mobile. Usually, she would've gone back to bed when she saw it was a random number. She could roll over and ignore it. She could turn her phone off. But the location read Sydney, NSW, and Maggie couldn't help but hope. She swiped to answer the call. "Hello?" Maggie whispered hoarsely. "Maggie! You picked up!" She recognised the voice at the end of the phone instantly, and it filled her chest with hope.

"It's Stella. I'm so sorry I couldn't write more letters, my boyfriend is- was a bit paranoid," Maggie's mind was overflowing with questions as she clutched the phone, but Stella kept speaking, too fast to interrupt. "I can come back- I need a place to stay, my boyfriend- I can't stay with my boyfriend anymore. And I can't stay in Sydney. Don't tell my dad yet, in case-" Stella was cut off, and sounded very rushed when she returned to the phone. "I have to go, but I'll be with you soon, I promise."

"No, Stella! Don't go! How long until I can see you?" There was silence at the other end of the line, and for a brief, anxious moment Maggie thought Stella had hung up, leaving Maggie not knowing how long she would have to wait. But she answered. "I'm not sure. At least a week, with flights... I'll leave as soon as I can, I promise." Maggie nodded, despite knowing Stella couldn't see her. "I've missed you," Maggie blurted. "I have too, Mags. I'll be with you in no time. Goodbye," Maggie only just managed to say goodbye before Stella ended the call, leaving Maggie stunned and speechless.


Time seemed to drag out as the next nine days went by painfully slowly. The moment there was a knock on the door, ­­­­­­­Maggie answered within a second, disappointed every time it wasn't Stella. Maggie thought going to the cinema with her friends would help get her mind off things, but she could barely focus on the movie from all her thoughts of Stella. Zeke texted her continuously, suggesting places they could go together, and Maggie felt horrible as she turned down every offer.

From her research on Asexuality, Maggie had learned about being aromantic, which was the lack of romantic attraction to any gender. She found she was both Aromantic and Asexual, shortened to aro-ace. This discovery caused Maggie to realise on main thing; she couldn't continue dating Zeke.

Finally, Maggie mustered up the courage to pick up her phone and tap on Zeke's profile in messages. She winced as she saw her previous message declining his offer for dinner tonight. She wouldn't break up with him over text, Maggie told herself, even though it would be much more awkward in person. Hello Zeke, Maggie typed, but deleted it almost instantly. Just act normal, she chided herself, and typed out a new message. Do you want to come to Sutherland's Park this arvo? I want to talk to you. Maggie took a deep breath and sent the message before she could chicken out. Zeke started typing, and Maggie waited anxiously for his reply. Sure! How about at 2? :) She winced at how happy he seemed. She sent back a thumbs up, and deduced that she had two hours and thirty-seven minutes to get ready for the date she had just organised. She was already dreading it.


Maggie nervously adjusted her handbag as she walked to the park two blocks away from her house. Poor Zeke. I'm being selfish. Her brain muttered, but she shoved the guilty thoughts to the back of her mind. She wanted to turn around and run back home to the comfort of her room, but she pushed herself, one foot in front of the other, until she could see Zeke's pale brown hair from over the top of the hill. "Maggie!" he called out, her eyes lighting up, and her heart almost burst in her chest as she saw how happy he was to see her.

"Hey! Do you want to go to the swings to talk?" Maggie nodded; throat too tight to speak. Zeke sat down on the swings, and her shoes scuffed the bark as she sat next to him. "So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked, and Maggie took a deep breath. "Zeke... I don't think we should go out like this anymore. You're great, but I can't date you. I'm so sorry." Magpiepaw felt a small flurry of relief before it was replaced with guilt and anguish as she saw the disappointment and upset on his face. "What?" He asked, looking broken. "I thought... never mind. I hope you find someone, I guess. I'll see you at school?" Zeke barely looked angry, just really, really sad, which was somehow worse. Maggie nodded. "I hope you find someone, too. You will." The swing squeaked Maggie stood up, and she turned around to trudge home. She didn't turn around to look at Zeke, not wanting to see his heartbroken face again. Once she was over the hill, she started to run, and she ran until she was home. She closed her door when she reached her room, flopped onto her bed, and started to silently cry. She knew she would get through this. She just needed time.

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