Where am i? (1)

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A/N this is my like my third work(not including the stories that aren't even stories), and its only a project to try and improve my writing, this will not be the best thing you've ever read, and I ask for your feedback and criticism, no matter how rude.

I didn't know rooms could get so dark, where the fuck is this?

My mind was racing with questions as I looked around the inky void that seemed to reach towards me, hungry for me, I've never seen it in my life but at this moment it seemed all too familiar, I couldn't name it but I knew what it was, I reached out towards it trying to make contact

I couldn't reach it, and it couldn't reach me, I only now realized the faint silver glow around me, as if light itself was protecting me from a danger all around me, I lifted my eyes and saw how the landscape changed, how it morphed into a room I knew all too well, my hospital room lay still before me as I looked around it, the darkness grew... Colder as it morphed again to another room, to My Room, my bed still stood in the corner of the empty bedroom, barren aside from a bare bed and a near empty bookcase, I barely had time to realize where I was before it shifted again, to a warmer room, my mothers room, and I wasn't alone in this room, She was here too

"Mom..." I muttered as I rested my hand on the side of my mothers silhouetted face, she was warm, so warm, I went to hug her when it shifted again, and it felt even warmer, but there was no room to greet me this time, I was alone in this warm void, I felt as if my tears were suffocating, but upon feeling my face there were none, I waited for the void to shift again, but it didn't, there was no escaping this time, the reaper caught me, and he was gonna make me pay

My eyes snapped to a spot in the void that seemed like a white dot that suddenly appeared, I tried to focus but all I could gather in this darkness was that it was very, very far, so I started walking towards it, I could feel the light around me strengthen as I got closer, bit by bit, second by second it seemed to take an eternity, until finally I could make out its shape, A doorway?

I started running towards it, the darkness grew weaker and its tendrils shortened as they reached for me, I paid no mind to them, something told me I wouldn't have to care about them much longer as I got closer, and closer, until the light was almost blinding, until finally, it consumed me and I felt myself, falling? Was I falling?

The wind rushing past my ears told me that my assumption was correct, I was plummeting, I looked around, it looked like my eyes were closed, but they don't feel closed?, my eyes are open, whatever, I don't have time to think about this now, I looked around and saw faint lights in the distance,a green one speeding closer to me? God whatever that light is, its fast, and I hope its here to help, I really don't want to die aga-

A/N, dont expect constant updates, this is just me to get more comfortable with writing, and I only did it here because its the easiest for me, as I have some experience with it, criticism of any kind is welcome, anyway, the next update may be tomorrow, it may be next year, hell it could be next decade, but ill see you there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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