-In General- 🌺

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(I know my headcannons are confusing ahahhaha)

[ For Starters ]

Countryhumans, Statehumans, Cityhumans and Organizations are all called Entities.

Every collective group inside a country, or a group that helps a country operate, or a country itself has an Entity to represent them.

[ History/Biology ]

How do Entities appear? No one knows specifically. But to make things interesting, I made the Entities start of as humans.

Somehow, orphan humans. They turn into Entities when the time calls for it.

Entities doesn't need parents. They will have a 'parent' when they see someone as a parent.

All Entities are intersex. And by some magic, they can't reproduce. Most Entities are Aromatic Asexual (they do not experience romantic or sexual attraction). But it doesn't mean they can't love someone romantically. Some does, but it's rare.

Entities are far more stronger than humans.

Entities are immortal, unless something happen to the thing they represent. They do get hurt, and can feel pain.

In the topic of Countryhumans, the more mountains a country contain, the more stronger they are. The more island a country has, the more they are a great swimmer. The more a country has active volcanoes, the more they are easy to anger.

Yes, they have flags for faces. But their face is not round. They have noses, ears. They also have hair.

Their heights are decided by the countries average height (Mixed male and female). Organizations are far more taller than countryhumans.

If they have the will and they want to, Entities can show their animal parts. (Tails or wings of their national animal, etc.)

[ Real Life-Entity Bond ]

The jobs of Entities is to represent the reason the are alive.

The Human-Entity bond goes one way. Whatever happens to the humans affect entities, but it doesn't work the other way.

Humans can't see the real forms of Entities, unless they are 'patriotic' enough. There is an invisible mist that covers the sight of humans.

Although, humans does know that Entities exist.

Entities have human names. They usually use it around humans, because admit it, it's weird to call someone a name of a country even if they are a country themselves. (You don't just randomly say 'Hey Germany!' in public ahha)

Usually, Entities serve as the adviser to their ruler. They also represent their people in making decisions, and is the ambassador to other affairs.

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