Years After

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Someone on tumblr asked how our dear OC and Gukkie are doing, so here's an update:

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Someone on tumblr asked how our dear OC and Gukkie are doing, so here's an update:

Gukkie recently got a vasectomy because little miss lawyer birthed triplets 🥹 (they have five children now). Unsurprisingly, Y/N cried harder when she saw JK feeling a little bit of discomfort after his procedure. She wasn't even that emotional when she gave birth to the triplets, haha! (Don't think she's weird ok. She's just in love)

The triplets took after Y/N. They hover around their dad whenever and wherever. They're all girls. One of the triplets really likes biting JK's cheeks. The other one would paint random things on JK's arms. (if JK feels like it, he'd have the drawings permanently tattooed on his skin. but Y/N isn't too happy about it.) hey, it's difficult to explain to her nosy clients why her husband has a weirdly shaped toaster tattooed on his arms, ok? (one of the triplets drew it with a heavy heart and snot on her face, saying, "Bad toaster! Burn mummy's hands!)

On the other hand, Chae-won, their firstborn, usually stays with the Kims! Seokjin and Red treat her like how they would treat their real daughter.

The only one who sticks around Y/N the most is Kyuhyun, their second born—the only boy. Kyuhyun looks so much like his father—with bambi eyes and all that--so it's heartwarming to see an innocent-looking sweetheart who always acts so serious. Kyuhyun doesn't like a lot of things in life. In fact, he only likes three: his family, law, and Wonwoo.
Who's Wonwoo, you ask? He's Taehyung and Jimin's child. Tae suspects the two children have a crush on each other, but they're not soulmates, know, drama's brewing 👀

All in all, they live a pretty mundane life. Y/N is still practicing law, and JK sometimes paints. He's a full-time malewife and Y/N's babygirl, though 🤧🤧🤣🤣

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