Chapter 5.

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- 3/25/1945

Tommy was alone, walking downtown to buy something. He wanted to meet up with Tubbo so he sent him a letter.. Turns out his father didn't really let him out this week because he literally ruined the stove and was sentenced to not meet up with Tommy, which of course made Tommy chuckled but nonetheless very concerning.

As Tommy went to a flower shop to buy more seeds. He happens to see Ranboo, also buying seeds. Tommy giggled, remembering the first time they met when Ranboo bought him his flower seeds for free, and immediately ran out. This thought made him chuckle as he walk up towards Ranboo.

"Hey Ranboo!" Tommy said with a cheery tone, Ranboo looked down at Tommy and smiled. "Hello Tommy!" Ranboo replied back with the same cheery tone.

"Whatcha buying?"
"Some flowers for my brother Jack and sister Niki, I wanted to surprise them since it's been awhile since I last bought them something.. Well why are you here Tommy? "
"Ah! I'm here to buy some seeds to grow, and sell them by the time the flowers grew"
"Are you a gardener or a florist?"
"More like florist honestly"

Ranboo chuckled. Picking out a bunch of Peonies and Pink Orchids for Niki while talking to Tommy whose honestly just picking random seeds.

"Kind of see it"
"Flowers are pretty! Can you really blame a man who likes Tulips and Allium?"
"No, they're also- wait you like Allium?"
"Yeah man!" Tommy giggled. Ranboo almost folded by the way Tommy giggles. So Enticing and so Calming.

"Well, that's nice then- if you want toms I can pay for your flower seeds!" Tommy immediately shaked his head in disbelief. "No! Ranboo that's your own money.. Not my money, besides if I can't buy it, I'll put it back" Ranboo stared at Tommy. He didn't like that answer, and Frankly, he won't let it slide. "Toms please.."

"It's fine, come on big man let's just buy these yes?" Ranboo nodded only, the two went up to the counter. Tommy paid for his flower seeds while Ranboo has requested to make a Boquet out of the Peonies and Pink Orchids. "Hey uh Tommy?" Tommy looked up at Ranboo and tilt his head. "Yeah what's up?" Tommy smiled softly. Ranboo just wanna fold almost immediately after that but no, "I wanted to know if you wanna.. Walk uptown to the park" Ranboo said awkwardly.

"Oh! Yeah sure Ranboo, let me get these flower seeds back to my House and I'll meet you there-" Tommy's wrist got caught with Ranboo's Hands. "I'll come with you Toms!" Ranboo smiled. Tommy looked at Ranboo and smiled softly. Tommy blushed abit ‘huh, a gentleman. No wonder why Niki favourite him’ Tommy chuckled to himself.

"Oh, if you want. I do have to warn you.. I live in a farm house" Tommy laughs softly. Ranboo smiled. "I don't mind! I'll get the Boquet later for pickup. Let's go?" Tommy nodded. Thanked the Florist who named Karl. Very nice guy, The two boys walks out of the store and going down the street.

"Do you only just walk? I thought you guys have a truck?"
"Techno is out and picking up plywood, so me and wilbur walk for a bit. Before him picking up.. His ‘wife’" Tommy said the ‘wife’ part a little to sarcastic.

Ranboo only listened while staring at Tommy's blonde hair, It was golden, his blue eyes makes Ranboo lost in them. But Ranboo just met Tommy.. That'd be weird to Fall in love with The boy. Then again it's not far fetched, Love at first sight he says.


Tommy knocked on the Door while Ranboo is behind him. Immediately opened by Wilbur whose look like he just cried. Tommy immediately got concerned. "What happened Wilbur?!" Wilbur only laughed. "Nothing." He said softly. Tommy sighed, he didn't wanna push Wilbur so he only hugged him. "Oh, hello Ranboo" Wilbur waved hello, Ranboo smiled and waved hello back. Wilbur let the two boys in. Tommy's parents are currently away so it was only Wilbur who was left here.

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