019 - Corridor Catch

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It was so peculiar; everything about it was so completely, perplexingly peculiar.

'If his objective truly was Potter's life, as everyone seems to think, then why did he attack Weasley, or rather, Weasley's bed?' she wondered to herself not for the first time, the unspoken query having repeated itself at least a hundred times over the previous two days.

To Cassiopeia, it simply didn't make a shred of sense, and this was very likely the case for every other person who'd heard the details of the 'attack'.

'Even had he been confused, which, I'll admit, is a good possibility within darkness, why attack and destroy Weasley's bed instead of the boy himself?'

It simply didn't make sense, and because of this, it unnerved her more than the thought of the attack itself, or the fact that he'd managed to make his way into the boys' dormitory thanks to Longbottom's negligence.

Cassiopeia halted herself and her thoughts upon the matter as she rounded a corner, finding Potter standing in the middle of the corridor she had been traversing towards. His back was turned in her direction, and he seemed to be intently focused upon something within his hands.

'This is all I need,' she ruefully thought, wanting to continue her journey towards the library, but not wanting to do so if the boy standing in the middle of the corridor decided he wanted to throw more baseless accusations her way, which she suspected he'd do if she made her presence known.

Before she could decide a course of action, one likely involving a different, longer route to her destination, Potter suddenly turned on his heel and looked straight her way with wide, wild eyes, which caused her to take a step back in alarm.

"What...are you doing here, Black?" he asked, his expression morphing to something tamer and more typical of his character.

"I was headed towards the library, Potter," she coolly replied, not allowing the fright she still felt towards his sudden about-face to be shown.

"Oh...uh...well, don't let me stop you," he uneasily returned, glancing down towards a piece of parchment that he was firmly holding.

Despite his words, however, Cassiopeia didn't make a move to bypass the boy, which caused him to narrow his brow in confusion and glance back up.

"Is...there something you want, Black?" the boy asked in curious confusion, as though he had no recollection of the last time they'd conversed.

'Yes,' she silently, snarkily said. 'I want you to leave so that I may continue my trek.'

"No, Potter, there isn't," she indifferently replied, not allowing her frightened, rude thoughts to be heard.

"Then...why are you still here?" he quietly queried, sending her a perplexed look.

She pursed her pretty pink lips, deciding, whilst rude, the truth was her best approach, although she didn't appreciate the thought of giving him satisfaction through knowledge of the power he held over her.

"I'm still here because you're still here, Potter," she coldly returned, giving him a sweet smile that held not a Knut of warmth.

"Uh...?" he lamely replied.

"I'm...quite frightened by the idea of crossing paths with you, Potter, and even more so of showing you my back," she stated, sweetening her smile a little bit more.

"W...why?!" he bemusedly asked, and truly, Cassiopeia wondered if the boy before her had no recollection of their previous encounter and the threat he'd displayed towards her.

"The last time we met, Potter, you trained a glowing wand onto my form, and you made some rather harsh accusations towards my person based upon my surname. Is it truly so difficult to comprehend why I wither at the thought of being alone within your presence?" she coolly queried, gritting her teeth together behind her very false smile, shivering as she remembered the awful event.

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