When I Fell | Author's Note

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Author's Note:

Please go to my page for the new version of When I Fell! Feel free to read this old version too, just know that it won't be updated past Chapter 15 :) 

I started writing this version of "When I Fell" seven years ago and published the first chapter as a freshman in high school. In my junior year, though, I hit a major writer's block. My writing style had changed so much that I could barely read the first chapters of "When I Fell" without wanting to edit them. So I took a break.

Now I'm back. Four years have gone by and I've had plenty of new ideas for how to move this story forward (not to mention many, many new Marvel movies have been released to change the entire MCU timeline). I'm leaving the original "When I Fell" (this book) up on my page for whoever wants to read it, but I will be starting afresh here. Evelyne will be the same--aged up a few years for continuity's sake--but the story around her will be incredibly different.

"When I Fell" (version 2) will be updated every Friday.


Book One in the Shadow Chronicles.

Known as the Shadow to most, Evelyne Bissette is one of the most powerful mutants alive. She is gifted with the strange and frightening ability to control shadows — the darkness that consumes everything, harbors ghosts, and is the creation of Hell.

After an incident in the War Against Magneto, which Evelyne barely escaped, she found peace and safety in the woods, far away from all battling and danger.

But that serenity is disrupted when, after a reunion with the supposed-dead Charles Xavier and the rest of the New X-Men, Evelyne finds herself a prisoner of the one organization she fears most — S.H.I.E.L.D. Then the New X-Men's empty jet crashes into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hellicarrier, carrying a dirty memory stick that will change her life.

On it is a video of a fiery man who calls himself the Inferno — an extraterrestrial force who has captured the New X-Men and plans on ridding the Earth of all mutants and superheroes. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, even if it means purging the Earth of life itself and starting anew.

Evelyne is forced to join forces with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new Initiative to save the entire mutant species, and those who she loves most.

But this is one fight that humanity and mutants alike may not win.

* * *

Characters and themes such as the Avengers and the X-Men mentioned in this story are copyrighted by Marvel and belong to that corporation. I take no ownership over any of the characters other than Evelyne Bissette, Finley Harper, Amelia Hunters, and others. No plagiarism intended.

When I Fell (Version 1) | Avengers & X-Men Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now