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1- You CAN roleplay with other people here! Just know that I'll be stalking your rps because I like reading le stories lol

2- Don't interrupt someone else's roleplay. That's just rude 

3- Please state your triggers before rp. It's best to tell me your triggers before the rp so that I know to avoid them, but if you're uncomfortable doing so you don't have to. Just know that you'll be going into that rp at your own risk if you don't say anything

4- I don't rp with OCs, but feel free to do so w other people. I don't really like roleplaying with OCs and I don't plan on putting a form here for other people, but you're perfectly welcome to ask someone else if you can rp with your OC then provide your own form thingy. Ik that may be a bit chaotic, but this book isn't really meant for OCs so I don't plan on doing anything special for it

5- Hate the ship/character, not the writer/roleplayer/person. It's stupid that this has to be a common rule in rp books, just treat everyone with respect if what they're doing isn't affecting you.

6- Don't be homophobic. This should be a given but I'm putting it out here just to be safe. Requesting that gay/lesbian characters be turned into straight couples is also a big no with very few exceptions. One exception may be Char 1 finds out that they're trans and Char 2, aka their partner, comforts them and remains their lover. There's probably other scenarios where turning a gay couple into a straight couple is okay too but none are coming to mind atm.

6- Don't control the other person's character. You have yours, and they have theirs. It's not as much fun otherwise. 

7- Smut is allowed. I'd prefer it if smut went to DMs but ik that it can sometimes be frustrating to interupt a rp like that, so it's not a set in stone rule.

9- AT. LEAST. THREE. SENTENCES. It's so annoying when I put effort writing paragraphs to people and sometimes even spending hours researching how something works (I'm a sucker for realism in magical settings, what can I say? lol) only to have the other person reply with "...okay" or even worse "whatever" GIRLYPOP THIS IS NEITHER AN OKAY NOR  "whatever" SCENARIO. I WILL StEAL YOUR TONSILS. Thank you <3

This is my first time creating one of these books so if I'm forgetting something, please let me know. It's also 2 am so if I forget something stupidly obvious I'm just gonna blame it on sleep B')

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