Chapter 3

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"Harry awoke at 9 am the next morning. He got dressed and headed downstairs for food with the rest of the house. 'Morning, dear. How did you sleep?' Mrs. Weasley asked, placing another plate down for Harry. 'I slept okay, no nightmares yet,' Harry replied, deciding to just have a bowl of porridge, feeling too nervous to stomach anything else.

He still wasn't talking to Ron and Hermione after breakfast, even after their pathetic attempts to start a conversation.

I was sitting in my room, practicing some potions when I heard a faint knock on my bedroom door. 'Come in,' I said, putting my potion supplies away. 'Hey pup, ready to go?' I heard Sirius say, with his head popped through the door. 'Yep, I think so. Let me just grab my wand,' I said, jumping up and grabbing it from my bed along with my jacket.

Sirius and I made our way downstairs to where Remus was waiting for us in the living room. 'Let me guess, we're traveling by floo,' I said as we walked towards the fireplace. 'Ding, ding, ding. You get 10 points,' Sirius joked.

I had no idea how we were going to bring Sirius into the ministry since it seems that an animagus can't move while it is in its form, and it took me a while to realize that this is true because Remus had told me once before , 'Harry, I will go first, then you, then Sirius.'

Remus grabbed a handful of floo powder and entered the fireplace. 'GRINGOTTS,' he spoke, and poof, he was gone. I did the same and ended up in an office. When I got up I saw that Remus was standing there, talking to the head goblin, Griphook.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Lupin says you want to see all transactions going in and out of your bank?" Griphook spoke, turning away from Remus to face me. "Yes sir, it has recently come to my attention that money may have been illegally transferred out of my vault." Just as I finished my sentence, Sirius came tumbling out of the fireplace, but to my shock, he wasn't in his animagus form. "Mr. Black, you're running behind schedule," Griphook said, turning towards the soot-covered man on the ground.

Sirius quickly jumped up and wiped the soot off his face. "Sorry Griphook, turns out you can't floo while being in animagus form," he stated, scratching the back of his head. "I thought that was quite obvious, Sirius," Remus said, jumping into the conversation.

"Wait, what do you mean Sirius is running behind schedule, Griphook?" I asked, pretty curious as to how he knew Sirius, or more so, why Sirius had an appointment here. "Oh, Griphook was going to do a magic scan thingy on me as well as you, you know, just in case," he spoke. "Right, while we're at it, Mr. Lupin, would you like a scan too?" Griphook asked while prepping Sirius for his scan. "You know what, I may as well," Remus spoke, taking off his cloak and putting his wand in his cloak pocket.

"Right, Mr. Black, this is going to hurt," Griphook said, casting the spell that started the scan, and Sirius fell to the floor quivering in pain.

FLASH: "We must set him up." FLASH "I'm sorry, Mr. Black, but this must be done." FLASH AVADA KEDAVRA "Goodbye, Mr. Black."

Sirius's eyes flew open, and I ran to him 'Sirius are you okay?' I said frantically seeing the state that my god father was in 'dubledore.. he was the one who did it' he spoke as he turned to Sirius 'did what?' remus asked taking hold of his partners hands 'it was him who killed those muggles he set me up along with pettigrew' I felt the colour drain out of my face.

'we can use the memory in the trial though Sirius this is the upside to it' remus spoke pulling Sirius to his feet so that I could get infront to be scanned. 'right mr potter take a deep breath' griphook.

when griphook cast the spell I felt so many things unlocking in my head but I also felt things leaving memorys of my parents were being replaced by another couple one who looked awefully a lot like.. Sirius . what the hell.... . I had visions of playing with a little blonde boy on the floor we were still only little the memory changed again and this time its a memory of me being ripped out of someones arms and him screaming ' I will find you albus and I will kill you I will get my son back even if it kills me.

and that was the last memory I saw before my eyes snapped open ' well mr potter it seems along with your memorys being unlocked you have quite a bit of magic blocked too fortunetly I was able to unblock it and find the source of what blocked it. he picked up the piece of parchment that was next to me and handed it to me 'on that parchment is every legal thing you need to know about yourself it has your full name your parents your godparents everything on there.' he spoke as I took the parchment and unrolled it ' now mr black it seems that the scan was not quite complete before you opened your eyes. whilst mr potter is reading his parchment I would like to finish your scan.

Sirius agreed and walked back over to griphook whilst i walked towards remus holding the parchment.'will you read it with me?' I asked as I sat down beside him 'of course harry.' he said and we opened the parchment

Name: Harry lupin black

parents: Sirius  black

             remus john lupin.

godparents: regulus black

                    james potter

magic:  wandless wordless magic {blocked by albus (to long of a name) dumbledore


vault transactions: 1000 galleons: mr Ronald Weasley (every year reccuring)

                              1000 galleons: miss hermione granger (every year reccuring)                                                         

                              10.000 galleons : albus dumbledore

                             10,000 galleons: miss lily evans

                            10,000 galleons: mrs petunia Dursley

harry couldn't believe what he had just read. he turned to look at remus who was in total shock and could barely get a word out. when I looked up I saw Sirius staring at us 'I take it you read it then harry?' he said slowly walking towards me. all I could do was nod 'remus? remus go on its your turn once your memory is unlocked this will all make sense.

"'Who is Regulus?' I asked as my eyes kept flicking back to the name. 'Regulus is my brother, and I will tell you more about him when we get home - that is if you still want to live with us after hearing all of this.'

'What? Of course, I still want to live with you. Yes, this revelation that you are indeed my father and not my godfather is shocking, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to come home with you. I love you guys,' I said, giving Sirius a hug. 'Now the question is, I thought Lily was dead? Yet she is getting regular payments from your vault - well, our vault,' Sirius spoke, turning to look at Remus and Griphook. 'Great, another mystery,' I thought to myself.

Remus had finished his magical scan and came to engulf me in such a tight hug that I could barely breathe. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry for letting them take you. We tried, we tried so hard to fight back.' Sirius cleared his throat as a signal to Remus. 'Perhaps we should have this conversation in a more private space,' he said, looking at Griphook.

'Thank you, Griphook, for everything. And hopefully, we will be seeing you again soon, but next time, I hope it is me being a free man,' Sirius shook Griphook's hand and turned back to us. 'Mr. Black, I do hope you become a free man. You truly deserve it,' he said."

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