Chapter 2: Entering The Campus

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Chapter 2- Entering the Campus

Everything was fresh and new inside the school. I was like Granny Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden [1], looking at this, and touching that. I hated that I couldn’t take a picture of everything I saw. Jungkook  probably felt like I was losing him face, so he said, “Why don't you sit here? I’ll call one of my senior classmates, and let him pick us up. On such a hot day, you don't seem very afraid of getting tan.”

I pretended to be shocked, “Wow, Jungkook , you can say four continuous sentences to me. That’s not easy for you.”

Jungkook  glared at me, as he lowered his head and did not speak.

We didn’t have to sit under the shade for a long time when someone patted Jungkook  and asked, “Why did you arrive early?”

I lifted my head. I couldn’t see his face from under the sun’s glare. After a while I shook my head and stood up, “Hello senior brother! [2]”

Senior brother laughed and asked Jungkook , “You even brought your family over?”

Jungkook  pushed his shoulder and softly said, “What nonsense.” With this push, senior brother finally stood under the tree’s shade and I could see his face clearly. He had small eyes, a pointed nose, a small dimple, a pointed chin. Sunlight fell through the tree leaves and shone on the senior brother’s face.

My heart jumped around a little seriously. I sucked in my saliva and blurted, “What’s your name, senior bro?”

Jungkook  rolled his eyes, and said, “Just call him your senior brother. He isn’t from your department anyways. He’s only someone from our town. You don’t know him.”

I immediately followed with, “My eyes brim with tears. We are fellow neighbors who have only met each other now. It’s not a senior brother that has a relationship to me directly, but rather, a relative to my direct descendant!”

Senior brother laughed warmly, and turned his head to say to me, “You really know how to talk. Just call me Taehyung .”

Jungkook  pursed his lip, “You just came out of town and your eyes are already brimming with tears after meeting an old neighbor?”

I pretended I didn’t hear him, and laughed with senior brother, “Taehyung , I’m called Manoban Lisa. I’ll be studying German, what are you studying?”

Senior brother hadn’t said anything yet before Jungkook  said, “I even told you he was my senior classmate. I’m studying economics, so he’s also studying economics. Idiot.”

Senior brother laughed, and his dimples got deeper, “I am one grade level older than both of you.”

I promptly followed, “Well economics is good, economics is good. The great economic development of our motherland will completely rest on your shoulders. How is it like the other things we study to better serve other capitalist nations? I initially also wanted to study economics, but I didn’t test well this time, only missing by that many points, so I switched to this major.”

Jungkook  turned his head to me and glanced at me, his expression obviously asking 'You're alright, right?'.

I automatically filtered out his surprised face, and continued to form friendly ties with Taehyung , “Taehyung , in the future, you must help me more with my math problems, math is my weakness.”

Taehyung  laughed again, “Your German Department exempts mathematics, relax.”

Jungkook  who was nearby couldn’t help it, and laughed as he watched me as if I was a joke.

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