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"So what you're trying to say is that you fell here from another world?" A Young child's voice said

"But when you wanted to leave and go on to the next" Another voice said, in a soft spoken tone

"Your path was blocked by some unknown God?" The child-like voice said


"Outlanders your journey ends here" The unknown God said, looking at the two travelers

"Who are you?" The female traveler, Lumine said, stepping forward

"The sustainer of heavenly principal," the unknown God said, "the allegation of mankind ends now!"

The unknown God said, creating a Red cube underneath the two travelers feet making them jump on either side

The two travelers then created wings and weapons for themselves before rushing towards the unknown God

The unknown god lifted her hand making tentacle-like appendages made from Red cubes spring out and towards the travelers making them have to dodge and weave through them to get to her

Once The travelers managed to avoid the tentacle-like appendages, they rushed towards the unknown God creating a huge explosion as they did so

The red tentacle-like appendages grow from the God's arms attending to capture the two travelers

The male traveler, Aether, managed to move before he was captured but his sister wasn't as lucky

"Lumine!" Aether yelled, as his sister got surrounded by the glowing red cubes

In anger Aether rushed towards the unknown God using as much power as he could and went to strike only for the unknown God to shield herself with the glowing red cubes and surround Aether with them as well

"Wait don't go!" Aether yelled in desperation "give my sister back!"


"And just like that, the god took away my sister, some kind of seal was cast upon me, and I lost my power, so while we used to travel from world to world, we are now stuck here" Aether said,

"How many years ago was it? I don't know.." Aether said, "but I intend to find out"

"When I woke I was all alone, until I met you two months ago and Mika a month after" Aether said, looking to his pixie friend and then to the white hair boy that was sitting next to her

"Yeah, paimon really owes you for that, otherwise piamon likely would have drowned" Paimon said,

"So paimon will do her best to be a great guide" she said, putting her hands on her hips and nodded

"And I will help you too Aether as a thanks for saving my life" the white hair male -Mika- said, with a soft smile

Aether smiled back the faintest bit of blush staining his cheeks as he did

"Thank you, " Aether said, "both of you"

"No problem" Paimon said, smileing at Aether

"You don't have to thank us Aether" Mika said, as he stood up and wiped the sand off his pants

"We should head off" Paimon said, "let's get going!" The pixie said, and flew off

Mika giggled and shook his head at the pixies "come on Aether, wouldn't want her getting too far" Mika said, then ran after the pixie

Aether smiled fondly at the two before following after them


I hope you enjoyed this I'm not good at writing fight scenes so you'll have to bear with me 😅

Anyways Genshin impact yay!

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