영화 데이트

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Okay so in this one shot they are already dating and Dayeol came over to Taehyun's house for a movie date <3


The boy was browsing through Netflix, searching for a movie that would be appropriate to watch with his boyfriend, who should be arriving any second now. He had already prepared (way too much) snacks, which were crammed on the small table in front of the couch.

Taehyun wasn't sure whether to pick a romance movie or a horror movie. Maybe a romance movie would be too cliché? Or didn't that matter because they were boyfriends anyway? A horror movie could be fun too, but maybe if Dayeol becomes too scared he wouldn't want to do movie dates anymore.

As Taehyun was weighing the two options, the doorbell rang. He decided he would ask Dayeol himself which movie he wanted. The boy stood up from the couch, feeling excited for their first movie date, and walked towards the door to open it.

"Dayeol-ah, you're 5 minutes late-", he said, but was interrupted by someone wrapping his arms around him as soon as he had opened the door, causing him to almost fall on his back.

"Sorry", the person said and pouted as he looked up at Taehyun, still hugging him. Dayeol was a bit smaller, so his chin was resting on the other boy's chest. Taehyun thought that he really resembled a hamster at that moment, and he really wanted to squish his cute cheeks. So he did exactly that.

As Dayeol's face was being sandwiched between two big hands, Taehyun gave him a peck on his forehead.

"It's okay", he said and managed to free himself out of Dayeol's hug, "You can go pick a movie, I'll close the door first."

"Okay", the boy smiled and went to the living room. When he saw the amount of snacks on the table, his jaw almost dropped to the ground. There were chips in different flavors, different kinds of popcorn, candy, apple slices and at least six bottles of soda.

As Dayeol was admiring the food and drinks, he felt two arms snaking around his waist.

"Taehyun-ah, why did you prepare so many snacks?" Dayeol said to the boy back-hugging him.

"You don't like it?" He said and snuggled his face in his boyfriend's neck.

"Ofcourse I do, but if- ah!", he yelped as he felt Taehyun bite his neck. He tried to get out of his embrace, but the boy only tightened his grip on Dayeol.

"Cho Taehyun! Stop it, that tickles", he laughed and tried to remove his boyfriend's hands from his waist, but he was too strong, "A-ah!"

Suddenly Taehyun stopped, and Dayeol felt him smirking against his neck.

"What was that sound, Dayeol?"

Dayeol felt his face burning up and he finally escaped from his grip.

"N-nothing! Let's just pick a movie", he stuttered and quickly sat down on the couch. Taehyun chuckled and took a seat next to him. As Dayeol was browsing through Netflix, still visibly embarrassed, Taehyun suddenly leaned towards him.

"What are we gonna do later if you're already like this?" He whispered in the boy's ear, who turned a few shades redder. Taehyun laughed at his behavior and leaned back.

"Just kidding."

"I know", Dayeol mumbled, his gaze never leaving the TV screen. As he continued to search for a good movie, he could feel a stare on him.

"How long are you gonna keep staring at me?" Dayeol asked, still not looking away from the screen. Taehyun smirked and scooted closer to the boy.

"Why? Can't I stare at my boyfriend?" He pouted and placed his chin on Dayeol's shoulder. The boy finally removed his gaze from the screen and looked at him, a smile forming on his face when he saw how cute Taehyun looked.

"What's up with you today?" He asked. Taehyun didn't answer and continued to stare at him, their faces were only a few inches apart. After a few seconds, Dayeol quickly pecked his lips before facing the TV again. Now it was Taehyun whose face was becoming red.

"I picked a movie, is this one alright for you?" He asked. Taehyun looked at the TV and saw that it was a romance movie he had chosen. He nodded and just as Dayeol was about to play the movie, Taehyun stopped him.

"Wait! I forgot something", he said and stood up. Dayeol looked at him confused as he opened a cabinet under the television.

"What are you looking for?" He asked as he craned his neck to look at the inside of the cabinet. Taehyun turned around and smiled at him.

"Blankets", he said as he pulled out a big white cloth from inside the cabinet.

"I think our whole class could fit under there", Dayeol said as the boy sat back down and pulled the blanket over the both of them. They got comfortable, Dayeol pulling the blanket up to his chin and Taehyun resting his head on the boy's shoulder.

"Okay, now you can play the movie", Taehyun said.

The movie began and soon they were stuffing their mouth with snacks and drinks, which were finished more quickly then expected.

Somewhere in the middle of the movie they interwinded their hands together under the blanket and scooted even closer to each other. Taehyun looked up at Dayeol and continued to stare until the other boy noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked when he finally noticed. Taehyun shook his head, signaling nothing was wrong. Dayeol wanted to focus his attention back on the television, but somehow he wasn't able to break the eye contact.

As he studied Taehyun's face, he noticed there was a small mole right above his lips, which he hadn't noticed to be there before. The noise of the television wasn't registered by his ears anymore as Dayeol was in a trance-like state, continuing to stare at Taehyun's face.

"Do my lips look that pretty?", the boy smirked. Dayeol noticed that he had been staring at the mole and became red. But he also saw that Taehyun had a blush spreading on his cheeks as well, so he decided to tease him back.

Dayeol brought his face a little bit closer and nodded.

"Very pretty", he whispered and switched his gaze from Taehyun's eyes to his lips. After staring at them for a few seconds, he shifted his gaze back to the boy's eyes.

"Can I kiss you?", Dayeol asked and brought his face even closer. They could almost taste each other's breaths at this point. A small smile appeared on Taehyun's mouth as he nodded.

Slowly, the gap closed between them and their lips connected, fitting like pieces of a puzzle. As their lips moved in sync, one of Dayeol's hand found his way to Taehyun's face, while the other was placed on his waist.

They didn't remember how they got in that position, but at one point Taehyun was on top of Dayeol, their lips having never stopped touching each other.


This is the end, I'll leave it to your imagination what happens next <3

&quot;feels like paradise&quot; ~&gt; ch.th x l.dy one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now