ßrðkêñ †rµ§†

23 0 1

The rain was pouring down in buckets as Hermia walked down the street, her mind distracted by the image of the broken trust between her and her husband. They had been married for five years, but the last few had been a strain. She had found out that he had been unfaithful, and although she had done her best to rebuild their relationship, it had been an uphill battle.

She stopped in front of the old abandoned house, and the memories came flooding back. She remembered the first time they had met, when he had asked her to move in with him. She had been so full of hope and joy, and she had been sure that they would be together forever.

But now, everything was different. She couldn't help but feel betrayed, and it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't repair the broken pieces of their marriage. She sighed and walked away, her heart heavy with the weight of broken trust.

Back at home, she sat alone in the living room, her thoughts spinning in her head. She had been so sure that she and her husband could work it out, but it seemed like he had already given up hope. She knew that if she wanted to save their marriage, she had to take the first step. She had to do something to show him that she was still committed to making things work.

Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage and picked up the phone. She dialed his number, and after a few moments, he answered. She told him that she was sorry and that she wanted to try again. She promised that she would do whatever it took to build back the trust they had once shared.

There was silence on the other end of the line, and Hermia held her breath, hoping he would agree. Finally, she heard his voice, and he said yes.

Hermia smiled and hung up the phone. She had taken the first step towards rebuilding the trust between them, and she was determined to make it work.

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