A Deal "?"

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My name is Daniel park (park hyungseok). I'm about 18 yrs old and I'm a student from within the fashion department of j high school.

When l joined the worker, I have been skipping classes for awhile now, some of my friends have been worrying about me. Which is I don't know what will l say to them when I face my friends again, I'm pretty sure they will ask about why have l been skipping classes.


In the bed, I planned to have a talk with the head chairman guy so l immediately did a cross shoulder stretch repeatedly and stand up

"Hmm...my head hurts for no reason.."

I talked myself and went to go took a shower.


After taking a shower, l dry my hair with a towel and went to go get some clothes on.

I finished putting clothes and head off to go to the worker company. After some fews walk, I arrived and went to go see the chairman guy.

I did told him that I have some condition to make so he should be already waiting for me at the office.

I opened the door and took a peak, I have already seen the chairman sitting down in the chair patiently waiting and see another guy beside him wearing a gray hat, the chairman saw me and speak

"Come in now"

He said smiling as l immediately walked in and sit down at the chair facing him, l speak in nervously


The chairman speak

"Why did you want to see me again? I've shown you the casino of 2nd affiliate already. Is there anything more left to report?"

He said smiling

"I really want to work at the 2nd affiliate that's all."

I said while making a serious expression.

"Ah so you want a part-time job, the hourly rate For working part-time at casino would be--"

Chairman spoke then I cut him off

"No, not the casino... somewhere deeper. I want to work at the underground business of 2nd affiliate."

I said still making the same expression

"Huh, goodness"

The chairman took off his glasses, he speak while cleaning his own glasses

"..An underground business of 2nd affiliate? Hm I don't know what you're talking about, there's no such thing you, know. Well... let's say that there is a underground business. If there is, it should be incredibly crucial...but..why should l be obligated to tell you that? I don't usually trust you Daniel park. I'm sure you already know that too but how can you ask me so shamelessly?"

Chairman said coldly

"Of course I'm not asking you for free. Let's make a deal."

I speak seriously

"..A deal?"

The chairman looked perplexed

"If you...tell me where the underground business 2nd affiliate is..."

I said as l stare at the chairman

The chairman was giving a second thought then he suddenly smirk

"A deal you say huh..."

The chairman given a grin at me

"..Anything I want huh..I think l know what l want."

The chairman smirk again

I stare nervously hoping it's not anything bad

I stare shocked in silence

wait..wait what?! He..I didn't expected that's what he wants! I was thinking that it would be something else but...h-he

The chairman speak while smirking

"What's wrong? You said that you would do anything if l tell you about the underground 2nd affiliate is?"

I speak nervously

"Yeah but...I expected something else..."

The chairman looked at the guy beside him and order for him to leave for a sec, when the guy walked out, the chairman stand up and went close as he's getting closer, he immediately touched my cheek softly. I stare speechless then the chairman speak

"Hm? You seem to be very surprised by it. I will tell you all about the underground 2nd affiliate if only you listen to what I said. So what do you say Daniel park? Are you too shy for me to use your body?"

He said smirking while being satisfying from all the expression you're making

I speak

"Well...as long l get to work at the underground 2nd affiliate.."

Tried to avoid eye contact with him, he let go touching my cheek then the chairman made a grin face and speak

"Then the deal has been accepted."


"I've decided to place Daniel park in the 2nd affiliate with those conditions. What do you think?"

The chairman speak while talking with someone in the phone

The guy speak

"I don't really understand. Won't he have ulterior motives?"

Chairman speak

"I concur with you but I think it's actually better this way. Are you worried?"

The guy speak again

"No, not really. I don't need to worry.. I'm just worried about Daniel park"

Chairman smile and said

"Is that so."


At school


Guy shouted in shock, it was Zack and Zoe talking to each other about Daniel

"Daniel's absent today again?!"

Zack shouted again then Zoe said

"I told you so. He purposely doesn't answer calls...what the heck is he up to?"

Zack mind:

What's up with him...why isn't he coming to school? It's making me even worried..

Zack sigh and speak

"How about little daniel?"

Zoe said

"He said he doesn't know, either. I heard he doesn't even come home. Would he be in trouble?"

Zack mind:

he's a guy who's never absent for school...did he leave home or what? Should l try finding him..?

Zack making a worry face

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