"alone" time

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Draw by me:

Anyways I'm so happy that I able to see people reading this, it made me so grateful, thank you so much for people voting! Anyways let's now continue the story!

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Anyways I'm so happy that I able to see people reading this, it made me so grateful, thank you so much for people voting! Anyways let's now continue the story!


Zack still continue being worried while he's walking, he keep thinking and thinking not even bothering to look at the directions, then he accidentally bump with someone, and made Zack snap out of his self, Zack looked at the person he accidentally bump into with before he made apologies when he looked at the person eyes he immediately shocked.

Zack speak.


Zack still looking at Daniel eyes, Daniel looked up at Zack and also made a surprise expression.

Daniel speak.

"..Zack? What are you doing here?"

Daniel said while he's still at the ground looking at Zack with his confusion face.

Zack sudden speak.

"Oh I was just walkin- wait that's supposed to be my line! What the hell are you doing here? And where have you been?!"

Zack made a worried face then he took out his hand to help Daniel stand up.

Daniel took took Zack hand and stand up slowly then speak.

"Oh! Uh..well l was just looking for something"

Daniel made a excuses not wanting to look at Zack eyes, Zack seemly didn't want to Believe that but still try to trust him and sigh.

"Daniel..where have you been? Why have you been skipping classes this lately? What happened to you?" Zack said with a serious tone voice but also nervous

Zack grab Daniel shoulder and made Daniel look at him.

"Uhm I usually have somekind of stuff to do.. that's why I have been absent for today" Daniel said while laughing at his self.

Zack sigh again and hugged him softly.

"Man you're making me worried..."

Zack said still hugging Daniel slowly then Daniel hugged him back slowly.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to worried you.."

Zack let go of the hug and also Daniel.

"Let's go eat or something, let's have somewhere to talk."

Zack looked at Daniel and he nodded, Zack lead the way while Daniel followed him.

After they walked, they went to a restaurant to order some food for them, Daniel basically pay because Zack didn't have any money with him right now, as they sit down and start making a eye contact silently which is making Daniel feel awkward from the silent, Daniel was about to speak but then Zack cut him.

"Hey, tell me what are you looking for? You know l have been suspicious about you, do you have something to do about the workers or what?" Zack said suspicious.

Zack went close to his face before Daniel speak the food was already here which made Daniel interrupt, Zack looked at the food and back away, Daniel let out a sigh

"Eyy food is here" Zack said being a hungry puppy

Zack start eating and Daniel eat too, Daniel was still thinking about the chairman, Daniel slowly stopped eating as he was basically zoom out thinking about that chairman, Zack looked at him confused and snap a finger at him.

"Yo, you alright?" Zack said.

Daniel suddenly get shock and looked at Zack then he continue to eat

"Sorry...l was just thinking of something.."

Zack still feel suspicious about Daniel.

After eating, they start walking around which is getting kinda dark then both of them sit down at a park, it was so quiet and dark, both of them was alone together.

Zack stare at Daniel eyes silently while Daniel is looking at the ground feeling the awkwardness again, Zack immediately start to look at Daniel soft lips, not even knowing where his eye direction is looking at, Zack was zoom out also cause he was staring at Daniel lips for too long then Daniel looked at Zack.

"Uhm..Zack?" Daniel said confused.

Zack sudden flushed hard and stare away quickly, realized that he was staring at Daniel lips for too long.

"YES...I mean...y-yes?" Zack was blushing so hard, he started to look like a tomato.

Daniel just stare at Zack with confusion.

Then daniel see Zack face that is so red, Daniel went close to Zack face which is making Zack heartbeat pounding faster and feeling nervously.

"Zack are you alright? Do you have a fever? Your face is so red..." Daniel said being kinda worried Abit.

Daniel grab Zack face, making Zack blushing even harder, his heartbeat was pounding insanely and Daniel can hear it.

"Your heartbeat..are you really alright?" Daniel said.

Daniel start to move closer at Zack face when they're nose is touching already, this made Zack insane, he quickly grab Daniel shoulder.

"I-i-im... alright...you don't have to worry.." Zack said with his shaking voice.

Daniel just nodded.

"Are you sure? Your face is really red out of sudden" Daniel speak.

Daniel stare at Zack, Zack heart was still pounding.

Zack mind:

Shit! Shit! Why does this guy have to be cute?! No wait! Why am l thinking this! I love mira..! Only her! But...

Zack was thinking so crazy then suddenly spoke it out loud

"Why do you have to be so cute!" Zack said not even knowing that he said it loud

Daniel looked even more confused

"Uhm what..?"

Zack stare at Daniel nervously realizing that he accidentally said it loud

"U-uh NOTHING!" Zack shouted nervous while he is all flushed, looking like a tomato deadass

Daniel just stare with widened eyes and speak

"If you say so then alright..?" Daniel just smile

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