Chapter 1

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y/n's pov:

She beat me, beat me until I bled, beat me until I couldn't breathe from crying, all because I asked for an ice cream she also bought my brother. I was five. Five years old. Five and being beaten over an ice cream. "While Henry gets all he wants, I get nothing?!" I yelled, stuttering from tears.

"That's because Henry is better than you!" she yelled, hitting me again.

I woke up, breathing heavily. I looked around and sighed, relieved that it was just a dream. I layed back and stared at the ceiling, unable to close my eyes and falling asleep again. After about an hour I was finally able to fall asleep.

*the next morning*

I came downstairs with my schoolbag, dressed up. I saw Regina and Henry talking. I walked past and they didn't even look in my direction. I left for school. I miss living in my hometown, not Storybrooke. Here everyone is weird. Even though me and my twin brother came here after Regina adopted us. Even if I was only 4 when we left, I still remember bits of it. I miss it.

School is the same as always. Henry and I always walk back from school together, since we are in the same class and our classes end at the same time. We almost never speak a word to each other. When we got home, Regina greeted us at the door.

"Hey my beautiful boy, how was your day? Are you hungry?" Regina said, as she stroked his shoulder, smiling at him.

"I'm not okay, I got another F in math!"

"Oh my poor sweet baby, tell you what, we can go out to cheer you up! Let me just grab my purse and you can put your backpack away." she said as she turned and left to get her purse. Wow. And just a few days ago she beat me for a B in history.

"Hello to you too?" I grunted when she walked past me, as if I'm not standing next to the door.

"Maybe if you got the beauty like me, mom wouldn't hate you." said Henry, laughing as he left the house. I was left alone. Again.

Peter's pov:

I sent my shadow to fly over the real world to find any potential lost boys that might be unhappy. Once he left I went back to camp, only to find all of my boys gathered around the new lost boy who was apparently deaf. None of us knew a way to talk to him, and he repeatedly showed some type of signs none of us understood.

"Have you guys made any progress here?" I asked, making them all turn their heads at me.

"Nope, we can't understand anything." said Felix. I sighed and looked at the frightened boy. "Give him some food, if we already can't make out what he is saying, might as well just give him something to eat." I stated, pointing to some food.

As they reached to grab it, I flew over to the beach, right when the shadow arrived. "Any lost boys down there you could bring?" I questioned.

"No, but uhm... I found a girl. A really unhappy girl, and I think-" I cut him off, chuckling.

"You think- I would bring a girl here?" I asked, laughing even harder. I looked over at the shadow, and immediately stopped laughing. The shadow continued.

"She has had a rough past, and don't you think there should be at least one girl here? It could be really entertaining." He was right. It probably would be interesting, but I don't know.

"Okay, you know what? Fine. Bring her. Just let me know when you arrive, I want to be able to see this girl from afar." And with that, the shadow left. I went back to camp.

Y/n's pov:

I was in the living room, watching tv when I heard them arrive. I didn't budge because I was in the middle of watching something. Henry came over and said "move, I want to watch tv now"

"No, you can wait until Im finished"

"Young lady, you let your brother watch tv when he asked nicely!" Regina demanded. I didn't even acknowledge her. All I said was "he didn't even ask." and with that she pulled me by my ankles and slapped me, hard.

I got up and ran upstairs to my room. I sat by my window and cried, all memories from my whole life flashing through my thoughts. I rolled up the sleeve on my left arm, revealing halfly fresh cuts. I grabbed the pocket knife I have hidden in my room, and made new fresh cuts, my tears falling on them making them burn even more. I cried, watching all the blood coming out, I bang my head on the wall behind me. I turned to the window and looked out, slowly closing my eyes and drifting off. Do I not deserve to be loved...?

I woke up to strong wind on my face. Was my window open? I opened my eyes to discover I wasn't sitting by my window anymore. I was flying, and someone was carrying me. I let out a scream, turning my head around, I saw I wasn't being carried by a human being but some- some shadow! I frantically looked around the ground we were flying over, my eyes slowly filling with tears from fear.

After a little bit, I calmed down and just observed the ground beneath us. It looked as if it was getting bigger, or we were just going towards it? All of a sudden, the shadowy thing drops me. I fell on a beach, screaming. I looked up and shouted "FUCK YOU" into the sky.

I got up, wiped the sand off my clothes and looked behind me into a forest. I looked around for anyone before entering it. I followed a dirt pad, carefully looking around all of the trees, trying to remember the way so I don't get lost, and at the same time find something or even better someone. At one point I found a bow and 5 arrows on the ground. I looked around for someone until I decided to just pick it up and continue on. After what felt like hours, I stopped and sat on the ground. 'I wonder if Henry and Regina even noticed I was gone' I thought to myself, but quickly brushed it off and got up. I decided to shoot a few of these arrows into a tree, to see how much I remember how to use it.

Peter's pov:

I watched as the girl yelled at the shadow, letting out a quiet chuckle. She turned to the forest that was behind her, looking around. I hid behind a bush. She went inside of the forest. I followed close behind her.


She finally took a break. After a few minutes of waiting for her to get up, I heard her doing something. I turned around and peeked up only to find her shooting the arrows I "dropped" into a tree. I won't lie, I was a bit impressed. I was too focused on watching her that I didn't even pay attention to my balance, making me fall backwards. I caught myself with my hand, but it landed on something sharp. While I was healing my hand the girl already made her way over.

Y/n's pov:

I went in the direction where I heard something, only to find a mysterious boy, sitting and looking up at me.

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