Chapter 3

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a/n: hey yall I'm so sorry for no updates a lot of crap has been happening in my life recently..

"What are you doing?" she asked me. I started unlocking the cage.

"I'm letting you out, under one condition. You stay at my camp."

"Ever better! I wouldn't even know where to go in the first place" as we looked at each other it was like I saw a spark in her eyes. I studied her face a little until I looked away and waved my hand. "Follow me" I said as we made our way to camp.

y/n's pov:

When we were close to Pan's camp, I started scanning everyone and everything I possibly could in the few seconds it took us to get there. I saw all of these boys having fun and one little boy in the corner by himself. I hear Pan speak.

"Boys! Welcome the first ever lost girl on this island!" he spoke as all the boys started cheering and getting all around me. The only thing I was worrying about was that little boy in the corner.

I asked Pan about the boy.

"He's new just like you, but we can't seem to find a way to talk to him"

"He's deaf" said the blonde boy.

"I know sign language, maybe I can help!" I said as they all looked at me confused. "Let me show you how it's done" I exclaimed as I went over to the boy and kneeled in front of him.

*sign language*

"Are you okay?" I asked

"No, I'm scared. I don't know where I am"

"Don't be scared. Now you have me, I can help you"

"Could you get me a blanket? It's cold..."

"Of course!"


"He was scared, and he is cold, get him a blanket or something please" I exclaimed, looking around at all of the boys. I looked over at Pan who had a smirk on his face. A few lost boys got the little one a blanket.

*sign language*

"What's your name?" I asked him

"It's Bill."

"That's a pretty name Bill, my name is Y/n"

"Your name is also very pretty!" he said, smiling.

"Thank you" replied, smiling back. I got up from my knees and faced Pan, who was clapping his hands.

„Maybe you were the missing piece this island always needed," he looked me up and down as chuckled.

„Well, since I wasn't a good fit at home, maybe I am a good fit here." he smirked.

Peter's pov:

The sun had set and it was time for everyone to go to their tents. Luckly, I had one more empty tent, so I gave it to her. The tent was much bigger on the inside than on the outside. It had a bed, a smaller wardrobe and


"Thanks to the Neverland magic, you'll be able to decorate it however you wish at some point." I exclaimed as I left the tent. I sent all of the boys to their tents and went into my own.

I layed with my eyes open for some time, unable to sleep. I kept thinking of her. Of y/n. She's the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on. I've gotta snap out of it. Love

is weakness, and I cannot risk my power for ... love. I finally rolled over and fell asleep.

Y/n pov:

I walk into class as I hear whispering and laughing, pointing at ту clothes... I put my hoodie up and sit down.

*Oh break *

Three girls, Betthany, Alice and Candice stood over me in the bathroom.

"So, are you going to do as we say... or not?" Betthany asked as she made a fist with her hand.

"Please don't..." I cried out.

"Yes or no?!" Alice yelled

"I-I cant-" As I said that, Betthany punched me.

I woke up, breathing heavily looking around. It took me a moment to realize where I was and I laid back down. I realize I can't be alone. Sleeping on my own causes these nightmares. Fortunately for me Bill walked into my tent just then.

" I can't sleep, can I sleep here?" he signed.

" Yes, of course! C'mere" I motioned him to come and lay down. I wrap my arms around him, little spoon big spoon style. I fell asleep quickly after that.

The next morning I woke up to the beautiful smell of breakfast. I woke Bill up and as he exited my tent I began changing. I took off the pajamas I found on the bed last night, into a green blouse and black pants.

I made my way out and saw all of the lost boys having breakfast, talking and laughing. I scanned all of them, laying my eyes on Pan. He's starting to look a little handsome, but I might be tripping. Once he spotted me staring, he smirked and made his way over to me.

"Hey there, good morning." he said, still not wiping that smirk off of his face.

"Good morning" A little smile grew on my face.

"You've helped us a lot already by talking to that little deaf boy, what was his name?"


"Yeah, Bill, it was taking us ages and we still couldn't figure it out, then you came and did it in a minute. It's impressive"

"Thank you" my smile grew wider.

"Neverland feels more like home than my actual home ever did.." I looked at the ground.

"Do you.. wanna talk about it?" Pan asked, tilting his head a little.

"I-" Before I could even start my sentence I felt tears forming and they started streaming down my face, all of the memories coming back to me. Pan didnt know what to do, so he just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, until he finally spoke.

"Do you need a hug?" a hug. something I had been wanting for years now, and someone is actually going to give it to me. Pan held his arms out, waiting for my response. I took a glance at his arms, and fell right into them. I cried while Pan comforted me. I never wanted to leave his arms.

Soon enough I felt all of the lost boys joining in from all sides. This is what home feels like. It doesn't need walls or a roof. It just needs love.

Pan's pov:

Part of me felt awful for Y/n, but it's a weakness. I cannot take risks with weaknesses. Just this once. She needs to cry it out so that it doesn't happen again.

Though, her hug didn't feel as bad. I didnt wanna let go. Especially when all the other boys joined in, including the little deaf one, Bill.

*a few days later*

"Morning Pan." said Y/n as I walked out of my tent.

"Morning..." Every time I see her it's like I feel a... spark. But I don't let it get to me. Out of nowhere, I get this weird feeling...

someone is on the island.

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