Falling without love

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{Hey guys! Read the little side note in the description for more information on this! Just know this is a story about Eddie Dear and Frank Frankly who are cannonly married in the ARG Welcome home! This story takes place before they knew each other, and sets the scene as Eddie being the newest neighbor! Enjoy reading Bubs, farewell! Also check the description to find where the cover art is from, har-har-har!}

{Quick reminder, I'm not sure if Frank uses just They/Them, or uses He/Them so I'm using the latter of the two for this! ^^}

Eddie had just moved in...and stuff were already a lot rougher to deal with than he'd prefer. Let me introduce you to Eddie Dear, one of the main characters in this book! Eddie is a mailman, started his own business from scratch! He's very proud of his work, but...just know he is likely the most accident prone person known to mankind. He's a sweet, friendly, determined, creative, good-looking, helpful, respectful, selfless, and CLUMSIEST man ever. All good things come with something bad after all...To be honest though, in the eyes of simps...his clumsiness is one of the cutest things ever...and unfortunately, I, the writer and narrator, happen to simp for the redhead. Though, that's beside the point! The story is about THEM...just listen.

Eddie had already had a rough day, it was like he only could attract bad luck...so far, in such a small neighborhood, he'd bumped his head harshly on Julie's mailbox when tripping, realized he forgot the letters, ran back, came back just to hit his head again before leaving, he bumped into Poppy while looking in his bag for her letters, He fell on top of Y/N's fence and broke it, He slipped and fell into a bunch of mud while on the way to drop off Wallys letters, dropped Sally's FRAGILE package making whatever was inside break, He accidentally lost a few letters that Barnaby was meant to get from his mom, He successfully left Howdys packages, but not without tripping and falling on a ton of cans and knocking them over (he helped clean up though), and now..? Oh goodness, he hoped this last package wouldn't go so badly. A letter and a package. Should be easy, right..? He hoped so...

He than saw someone watering some flowers outside the house he was delivering to...huh, that must've been the person who lived there! Nothing bad had happened so far, so maybe he should have high hopes! Maybe make a new friend. Eddie watched as the person turned to face his way, a frown covering his lips. Wow, he seemed moody for sure...Eddie smiled and waved after putting in the mail. "Goodday sir!" He said happily. The man walked up to him and scoffed. "You're completely covered in dirt. Shouldn't you be good at your job without getting...messy?" Eddie's smile faltered ever so slightly, but he kept up his happy appearance. "Well, I'm quite good at my job, sir. I just happen to be a 'lil clumsy.." Eddie chuckled out. "Hm. Be careful then, or you'll embarrass yourself. Also..." The man looked Eddie straight in the eyes. "I don't go by just those pronouns, if you don't mind. I prefer He/Them of all things." Eddie backed up and placed his hands up apologetically.

"Oh! S-Sorry si-I mean, erm...what's your name..?" It was hard for him to figure out how say a nonbinary version of Sir or Ma'am... "Frank. Frank Frankly." "Ooh, well it's very sweet to meet'cha Frank! My names Eddie! Eddie Dear! I do hope we get along swell! I'll get goin' to get outta your hair!" Eddie smiled. Frank sighed, turning around to return to his gardening before they felt a heavy weight fall onto them, causing them to collapse to the ground. Frank struggled to get back up, feeling whatever was on top of him groan in pain before getting up. "Ooooooohh..! I'm truly sorry Frank, I guess I slipped and-...erm..." He stopped talking when seeing Frank's obviously annoyed face. He placed out his hand in hopes help them up, but they got up and brushed themselves off, quickly holding onto their head, almost immediately. Eddie tilted his head in confusion. "Is there somethin' wrong with your head..?"

"Nothing that has to do with you...now shoo! I'd like the peace I had before you came along..." Eddie mumbled multiple sorrys in a guilty tone as he got his stuff and walked off. The southern red head had felt so embarrassed by that, sighing as he soon arrived to his home...aka his post office. He felt so grimey and yucky after that hell of a ride, so he closed up and closed the blinds, going to the back area that contained the rooms. His office and home were pretty much connected. He got to the bathroom and cleaned up, not wanted to smell like...well...crap. He was wondering how the day could go any worse...there's no way that it could get worse, right? Well, that what he thought until after he showered. He got changed and went back to the post office area to see if there was anything else before hearing the door bell ring at the back (the back door that leads to his house and not the office). He rushed over and opened up. "Who is i- oh! Hello there neighbor! What can good 'ol Eddie do for you?" Eddie asked the pink-skinned girl. "Hiya there! I'm Julie Joyful. I was hoping you could come with a few more of us to help Poppy bake! We were hoping it'd be a good way to make you feel comfortable here, especially with how bad your day has been so far." She giggled out. Eddie sucked at baking and cooking many things, he always tripped over himself...but it'd be nice getting to know the others.

For you, I'd do anything💌🦋//Frank x Eddie//Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now