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◟🎱.y/n pov﹕𓌺

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◟🎱.y/n pov﹕𓌺

◟🎱.chapter 2, season 2﹕𓌺

by SZA
I can't lose when I'm with you
How can I snooze and miss the moment?
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do
I can't lose when I'm with you
I can't just snooze and miss the moment
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do, you do﹕𓌺

12:27 am !

"ARE YOU MAD AT ME?" kei asked you, your eyebrows furrowing as you slapped his arm. he winced at the sudden impact, caressing your thigh as he looked up at you.

"kei, you didnt come see me for a whole like year, of course im upset. but im happy you're okay." you sighed, your arms wrapped around the blonde males neck while he held you bridal style.

"im sorry, i wont disappear like that again, and sorry i didnt tell you i moved houses. ill give you a key and everything." kei assured you as you mean mugged the male.

"thanks but im not forgiving you just yet. look where forgiving you in highschool got me." you told the boy who sighed, knowing now wasnt the time to be a petty salty bitch as you were actually mad at him, which hasnt happened since highschool.

"where did forgiving me in highschool get you?"

"it turned me stupid, love drunk, delusional, sensitive, emotional. should i keep going?" you listed as the boy just stared at you. you didnt know exactly why he was staring at you but it seemed like he was just taking in all your features, the new piercings you got, the new scent you've started to emit.

thats when you really realized you havent seen kei in person for like a whole year. this was same boy you used to run around with and spend nights with for months straight. "keiiii.." you whined, hugging him. "i actually missed you so much." you told him as his hands traveled down, rubbing your ass.

"i missed you too baby." he said lowly as he buried his head into your shoulder. "if you disappear like that again ima cut your dick off when i find you." you told the blonde who just hummed in response.

"well look who you found." soma laughed as him and kash approached you two. you looked up and saw them a smile appearing on your face. "see im not delusionalll, look at my man my man my man." you told your friends as you gave kei a kiss on the cheek, his face heating up as he avoided eye contact with them.

"yeah yeah girl, just make sure that dress dont be riding up you, hear me?" kash told you, earning a groan in response, "yes kash." soma just snickered at you as they both dispersed into the crowd.

"y/n, spend the week with me. we can go pick up your stuff too." kei asked you as he sat up a bit. you thought about it a little as you checked your phone, 12.45. you worked from home on top of that so you werent really busy.

"mmm.. yeah why not. when are we leaving?" you look up at your.. situationship who just carefully set you aside as he got up. "now." he said as he stretched. "make sure you let kash know you're leaving." kei reminded you as you immediately opened your messages, texting your groupchat to let them know you're leaving.

" 'kay, lets go!" you smiled as kei held your hand, your fingers intertwining as you left the building, going to his car. "did you get a new car too?" you ask kei as you swung your hands back and forth.

"no. still the lexus." he says as he unlocked the car, opening the door for you. you sat in the passenger seat, putting on your seatbelt as you watched the blonde enter the car on the other side.

.⌗﹕ 𝐓 𝐑 𝐔 𝐒 𝐓﹒🖤

1:33 am !

kei opened his apartment door, leading you into the dark gray decorated home. it had a chill aura to it, reminding you of kei a little too well. "its really nice kei." you told him as you looked around. "thank you." he replied as he walked to his room, placing your bag on his bed.

"do you want anything to eat.. drink?" kei asked you as you walked into his room, grabbing a oversized tee from a open drawer. "no, wheres your bathroom?" you looked up at him, his lips curving into a smile. "right across. you can always just change in front of me." he suggested.

"no pervert."

"worth a shot."

you smiled as kei went through his drawers to find something to wear while you entered the bathroom. you took off your sundress and slipped on the oversized tee.

you opened the bathroom door and was immediately greeted by kei with a black kitten in his hand who started  to climb up to his shoulder. "uhm, this is teru." kei said as his eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out where the small animal was going.

"KEII I THOUGHT YOU DIDNT LIKE CATSS." you said as the kitten fell into your hands, meowing as it looked up at you. "i dont, its my nieces." he lied blankly as he walked back to his room. "hi baby, you're so cuteee." you cooed to the kitten as you followed kei.

"she named her cat after akiteru?" you asked him as he sat on the bed, watching you play with the small kitten. "yeah."

"akiteru baby momma lucky, it shouldve been me." you shrugged as you put the kitten down, letting it run out the room before closing the door. you looked over at kei to just see him side eyeing you.

"so nasty." he scoffed as he pulled the sheets over himself. "i was joking.. or was i." you giggled as you climbed onto the bed, getting under the covers with kei.

you watched a smile appear on his lips as you scooted on top of him, laying your head on his chest. "if i wake up and you're not here ill really kill you kei." you whispered to him, hearing him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around you.

"i wont go anywhere baby, i promise."


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