This Is Really Angsty

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"I don't know who in hell thought we should be together, but I sure as hell don't agree!"

Yao's screech left the room silent his face flushed and twisted in anger. 

The air between the two felt thin and light like the pressure was let out with a burst.

Across from him, a mortified fiancée stared back at Yao, throat suddenly dry, eyes blank as he drank in the information, horrible realization finally settling in.

As they stood there, the heavy realization set in and Yao's eyes widened before stumbling towards Ivan.  

He gracelessly leaned against Ivan, not daring to attempt to embrace him at the moment. 

They stood there in silence for a few stretched out seconds, Yao's head resting on Ivan chest, listening to the rapid pounding that was his heart. 

"Ivan, I'm so sorry I didn't mean that. Please I was just angry."

His words were slurred, vodka coursed through his veins, too much for the small man to handle.  He raised his arms, prepared to do what it took to apologise but Ivan had stopped listening.

 He grabbed Yao's shoulder and shoved him backward, the drunk man almost falling over from the motion.  He stared upward, catching a glimpse of the absolute misery and anger expressed in Ivan's lilac eyes.

"I..." Yao whispered, his words failing him as Ivan brushed past, aiming for his room.

"Ivan?" Yao whimpered moving  along side him in attempt to get him to stop for a moment to no avail. 

"Ivan wait, please."

The cries went unacknowledged as the larger man slipped into the room, slamming and locking the door.

Yao gripped and yanked at the bolted door handle in hopes that somehow the lock had magically broken in the short time that had spanned.

Loud crashing sounds reverberated from inside the room. Drawers thrown open, the closet door flung so hard it rammed against the wall despite the door stopper.

Mildly terrified of what was going on in there, Yao began banging on the door, hands aching from the effort.

"Ivan? Ivan please let me in, I'm really sorry, I was just..."

His words were stopped at the sudden and confusing sound of... nothing. No more sound, no more vibrations that indicated movement, just...nothing.

Yao pressed his ear to the door. A moment passed in uneasy silence.

"Ivan? Wha..."

Yao's heart dropped to his feet at the echoed sound.

"Oh god! Was that a gun?"

Only more silence filled the tense air.

"No! I'm begging you Ivan!" Yao whimpered through the door, heart racing at the thought of the all too real situation. His eyes blurred from tears and his hands were raw and close to bleeding from banging at the old door. 

"Please! I can't lose you," he continued his cries in a painful attempt to prevent his lover from doing something he would regret.

"Please, please, please. I'm begging you, Ivan!" Yao whispered again sliding down the wall slowly, dragging his nails along the old paint.

The cries were repetitive, thoughts too jumbled a to make a compelling argument or do much more than beg.

"Don't take your life. Not for me, I'm not worth it."

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