Chapter 13 * The Patient

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I'm unsure how long Bart and I sat in the waiting room awaiting any word regarding William's condition when his mom arrived. Her face was twisted in anguish as her eyes darted around the waiting room, desperately looking for her husband.

When their eyes met, they rushed into each other's arms. Elaine shook with long, racking sobs as her husband held her, caressed her back, and whispered comforting words in her ear.

Pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around myself, I hid my tear-stained face and prayed for William, pleading God to save the man I love. Images of him lying in a puddle of his blood and his pale, lifeless face keep permeating my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to eliminate those visions, but I couldn't.

A gentle hand touches my shoulder, causing me to look up. Kneeling before me is Elaine. Her wet eyes flickered with pain and concern as she wrapped her arms around me, and then Bart embraced us both.

No words are necessary.

"Hammond Family?"

Our heads simultaneously turn in the direction of the voice. An older man in blue scrubs with white hair peeking out from under his surgeon's hat is standing outside the doors that William disappeared behind when we arrived.

"Here," Bart called while we all stood up, wanting to hear what the doctor had to say.

The doctor walked over to us. "Are you William Hammond's family?"

"Yes," Bart answered for all of us.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Young. I wanted to inform you that William lost a lot of blood and is receiving a transfusion. According to the X-rays, the bullet missed his arteries and major organs. The transfusion can take up to a couple of hours to stabilize William for surgery. I suggest you get some food and rest. A nurse or I will notify you when I complete the surgery. Once he's stable, we must remove the bullet shell and mend the damaged muscle tissue. He's not out of the woods yet, but he's a strong young man. I don't foresee why he wouldn't pull through with flying colors."

We collectively released a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Doctor," Bart replied, extending his hand.

He shook hands with him. "You're welcome."

Dr. Young gave us a reassuring smile, then turned and disappeared behind the doors.

"Let's grab some coffee," Bart said as he released us.

"None for me, thank you," I reply. "My stomach isn't feeling the greatest right now."

He gives me an understanding nod.

"Why don't you two sit down, and I'll bring us back some coffee," he says, looking at his wife.

We sit. Elaine wraps an arm around me, and I lean into her shoulder, relaxed as sleep overtakes me from exhaustion and the feeling of hope that William will be alright.


I'm shaken awake from hearing my name and am disoriented until I see my surroundings. The hospital. William! I quickly sit up, fully alert.

Dr. Young approaches us with his mouth curved up into a confident smile.

"William went through the surgery well. We were able to remove the bullet and repair the damage. He's currently in recovery and will be there for a bit. A nurse will come and get you when they move him to a private room; then, you can visit him."

"We can't thank you enough, Dr. Young," Elaine cries, her voice thick with emotion.

"Yes, thank you so much for caring for our son," her husband added.

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