i | The hardest

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The light bangs of a man blew as a waft of medicine-like scent filled in the air surrounding him

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The light bangs of a man blew as a waft of medicine-like scent filled in the air surrounding him. It was a usual morning, the birds were chirping, the trees were dancing, and the people were the same. Although it can be said as that, a certain white haired male wouldn't agree.

7:45 am

Written on the clock that hanged in the wall. The tall male sighed as he knew what his fate would become.

Nagi Seishirou, a 17 year old highschool guy that aspires to be the #1 in the world of soccer, steps foot in a hospital. Soccer is known to be quite an aggressive sport so it is to be expected that soccer players often get injured from time to time but Nagi Seishirou isn't in the hospital for that reason, not for him specifically that is.

He wanders inside the building in hopes to find the place where a nurse would tell you where a patient is(he doesn't know what it's called). Luckily, he ended up in the right place so he began to ask.

"Excuse me, Is Shoei Baro admitted in this hospital?"

The nurse glanced upwards to meet the eyes of the person in front. She was quite surprised by the sudden question from the boy as she was just watching her favorite drama on her phone. And she was most certainly not regretting entertaining the boy in front of her, he was handsome after all (similar to the actors in the drama).

𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄'n  .𝚛𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚒Where stories live. Discover now