Dear diary

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Hi I'm Alexandra but people call me Alex, I am an ordinary girl or so I thought. Here's How I came to find out how not so ordinary I am.

My parents got a divorced but still lived together i think they are both broke so there living together. It happened when i was five but hey i get double the presents but some of them were weird once my mum bought me a book a couldn't read i did not know what language it was so it was hard to find and my dad got me something really weird once i opened my present he bought me a large stick that was nearly the same height as me i did not know what to do with it so i hung it up on the wall and i was 9, well i just turned 17 and im going to ask my parents if i can have a birthday party at my friends place they were strict about friends but i'm nearly an adult and i have a+ yea i got some b- but hey math is hard sometimes i bet anyone can relate to it anyways i came home and took my shoes off "im home" i said loudly so they can hear and then they ran towards me when i was gonna ask they gave me the presents and told me to pen them now i got the heeby jeebys but there my parents so i did as i was told but i have to say these were the weirdest presents ever, My mums were more books and bottles and they all had something in them i saw labels so i looks and they had weird stuff like ginger,dead grass,toenails and more i started to think there messing with me but i didnt say anything my dads ones were actually normal stuff like hats ,glasses,make-up,and a new phone.I was so happy but then my mum ask my dad to chat privately,they went to their room and they closed but i can still hear them because the walls were very thin but it wasent clear but what i could hear is my mum saying "WHY DID U BUY THAT WE NEED TO PREPARE HER NOT DISTRACT HER WITH THOSE STUFF!" then everything else was not really clear but i was curious what my mum meant by preparing me,preparing me for what? After they were done I asked if i could go to my friends house for my party they both said no i asked why and all they said was "because i said so" ugh parents these days...anyways then we had a fight grounded,ugh sometimes parents are the worst.

I texted my friend and told i couldn't but then she gave me the best idea well not the best but something to try she texted "why don't you just sneak it starts at 9:00 and your parents go to sleep at 8:30 you got plenty of time" it wasn't a bad idea so that's what i was going to do so i got changed into a suit because i'm not a fan of dresses i hade blue blouse and and dark blue tie and black sleeveless jacket and i wore sneaker because i couldn't find any fancy shoes in my room i was ready so then i quietly open my window and snuck out good thing my friends hows was around the corner i ran until i was there i knocked on the door and my friend opened the door and welcomed me in and i saw all my schoolmates and others from school and there friends my friend was rich so she can fit the whole school there i looked around and saw a huge cake and drinks next to it and blue and purple balloons it was just full of color,i loved it we started dancing blowing out candles and drinking mixed different drinks like coke and fanta and more it was so much fun then i noticed the time and it was nearly 12 so i left and when i came back i saw my parents in my room with my phone thats right people they went threw my phone without permission thats how strict they are "you went threw my phone?!" i said with disbelief "we had suspicions that you would try this even though you're a good kid..why would you do this?" i got angry and told them because i never been to a party or did anything that others did they forbid me to have boys for friends or download games on my phone and not go out after school and they just stood there confused like what i said was nonsense and then they told me that i was ever aloud to go out only for school or getting food i was so mad a them that i kicked them out of my room ugh i wished sometimes i can just have different parents well we can't I went to bed and hopefully thought tomorrow will be different that's all diary see you tomorrow.


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