Chapter 3:the ravens coven

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"Witches? You're kidding right?" I said but they look serious "no its true" my grandma said "we have been keeping it a secret for some time now" I stood up and took a few steps back a few and I just ran to my room and locked myself in there a few minutes later I unlocked my door and went downstairs and tried to listen to their conversation and I couldn't hear them so I went closer and hat I heard shocked me I heard my parents talking to my auntie and uncle and ask them to stay at their place for a little so they can plan a "surprise" for me and they said yes and then as I was going to leave I accidentally hit a painting and it dropped and the glass smashed I got scared and just ran back up then I heard a knock and it was my auntie and ask about me staying at their place for a while and I said yes and packed as I was heading out to my auntie and uncles car I told them to not joke around like that with me and it was not cool when they opened their mouth I just walked away

I will make more its just I have school and I got to find out what's going to be next leave some suggestions for me if u like :> 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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