The beginning

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Harry's P.O.V
"Have you seen my Iphone,Ron?"I asked. "I don't know bro,I'll call you maybe you'll find it then..." he answered. "Yes,thanks homie!oh wait look I've found it!"I shouted.
"LOL"Ron said.
"Hermione texted me,We're late for the first lesson!"he suddenly yelled.
"YOLO!c'mon mate let's go! Remember the last time we came too late? Snape took our mobiles away!"
"You're right let's go!" He said.
*after lesson*
"Yo! Homieez,you two were late lol!What happened,bro?" Hermione asked. "Ah,I didn't find my IPhone"I replied "oh shit,look I bought me a new Ebook! Now I can download 18000 Books!"she said.She was very proud of her new Ebook. "Oh cool! Is it waterproof?" Ron asked. "Sure!" Hermione answered.
"I bought the new nimbus 4000!" Ron told us. "What the hell?! Brooo that's awesome!"I shouted. "Hey look there's draco malfoy"Hermione rolled her eyes "he thinks he is so special just because he's got the new IPhone 27....but look it looks like a tablet!"she added. "Yes...but I think our school should be a bit fresher..look we've got mcbooks air in the library! They're so out! They should buy the new 'macbook air plus infinity battery 4.0'" Ron reclaimed. "You're so right,dude!" i said and we all laughed. "Oh man our school is so Lame LMFAO" Hermione said.

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