Chapter four

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Jessamyn's pov

Our class professor keeps on talking about how two different philosophers had discovered a rationalism theory about Philosophy that relies on reason as the primary source of knowledge. It claims that does not come from the evidence of one's sense even though I always believe in the theory that everything happens for a reason maybe it was the universe trying to tell me something anyway, it was just over five minutes later when the class had ended and my phone had lit up with a text message from Asher asking me to meet up with him in one hour and a half saying that I got to choose any place we go to.

I responded to him with a decent and short reply: why? And what is the reason why we are meeting each other?

Asher: your place or mine place? Meet me in one hour tops.

Me: your place and I will send you the location to mine.

Meanwhile, I didn't wait for him to reply to this message on time I wanted to raise a few quick questions to a student who was studying to be a physician or physiotherapy doctor to tell me what was the odds of going back to the national states championship to win which it was a good thing that I didn't raise my exception, then I have to borrow library books to save money instead of buying them online, next I have to go wait for the elevator since there was a very long queue I decided to take the stairs carrying a load of books in my carrier bag up the stairs before I can get ready in my room on campus to meet with Asher soon.

Another text message from him caused my phone to buzz in my coat pocket as my roommate Rochelle had just called me on my phone too.

Asher: So have you thought about my coach's proposition to you yet?

Me: tell me one reason why I should consider helping you with your essay and accept your coach job offer too?

I picked up my phone and answered Rochelle's call hearing her walking around the crowded university hallway meeting up with her boyfriend Tristan were going to the cinema tonight which leads me to have this campus housing room all to myself and I don't want to do what I normally did all week was singing Taylor Swift song called The Archer or cook myself some dinner while I watched some Mystery crimes show and read books to keep my mind occupied away from thinking about my actual nightmare again.

"Tristan and I are going out tonight to the cinema. Would you like to go with us there?" Rochelle invited me to go to the cinema with both of them.

Third Wheeler was never part of my plan since I arrived at this school. I spent most of my free time on the ice rink or being the third wheel whenever My roommate endeavored with her boyfriend. I sometimes tag alongside them even though they don't mind joining them going a few places. I think I have got most of the campus academic building floors covered.

For a beat, staring back at the bathroom mirrors trying to figure out which hairstyle I should wear my hair upon noticing my scalp scars that made all my insecurities start flaring up again after the accident fighting back a few tears in my eyes once putting my hair up in a black hair clip. I've frowned at myself in the mirror silently listening to my positivity podcast episode for some self-reflection time today because I was more than a mess especially since the first day after the accident there were so many random rumors about me attending rehab for drugs used even though I had used the correct dosage of medication the doctor prescribed me.

"No, because you two deserve to have a great time together without me third-wheeling it."I declined Rochelle's kind invites to the cinema.

Afterwards we hung up on the phone. There were two doors knocked on my room door as Farah told me that there was someone there who was waiting outside the dorm room for me informing me about how some of the girls on campus had gotten a crush on Asher because I didn't want him to be outside in the cold for too long and then I felt a tad bit sorry for what he had to endure so I decided to save him from the nightmare situation that has become a massive group of girls adore him.

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