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Edie had lost track of how long she'd been trapped in the monster infested forest.

She paused, hearing crunching and crouched.

"Cas? Where are you?" the man asked.

Edie ran up to him and knocked him down, her blade to his throat. "Who are you?"

The man stared at her before expertly disarming her. "I could ask you the same."

"Show me your teeth."

He did so. "I'm human, sweetheart."

Edie showed her teeth. "As am I. How did you get here?"

"I killed a Leviathan."

She nodded slowly. "Impressive. Look. We can't stay here talking for too long. It'd be wise to find yourself a blade."

"You didn't tell me your name. Where are you from? How did you get here?"

"I never gave it." He gave her a look. "My name is Edie Pierce. I'm originally from London. I was dragged here by a monster and haven't been able to find my way out. Rumor is there's a portal, but I have no idea where it is."

"Nice to meet you, Edie. I'm Dean Winchester. From Lawrence, Kansas. Whaddya say we find the portal together?"

Edie nodded. "They do say safety in numbers. Let's go."

The two walked away, looking for threats on either side.

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