Chapter 1

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One born of darkness, the other of light. Two conflicting causes; their passion lets them unite. One battles with deceit; the other with love. Together they take on Hell and Heaven above. In the end, when all the world is burning down. Will they follow their orders or let themselves in their rapture drown.

It was fall, a beautiful time of the year in which the leaves became a landscape of reds and oranges and the trees prepared themselves for the chillier temperatures of winter ahead. Little animals scurried about gathering nuts and filling their bellies for the inevitable hibernation that would take place only a few months from now as farmers reaped the bounty of the harvests that Mother Nature had so kindly bestowed upon them this past year. Amidst the foliage and changing season, a young man hurriedly walked down a sidewalk, his pace increasing as he glanced at his watch and noticing what time it was.

Ciel Phantomhive loved this time of year; he loved the weather filled with crisp, sunny days and all the holidays that would pop up like Halloween and Thanksgiving. Summer had never been much to his liking, being fair skinned, he burned easily and, therefore, did not do well at the beach. Spring was a lovely season if he could just manage to breathe properly from the combination of pollen and asthma that permeated the air. Winter was, well, there just wasn't anything good about winter in Ciel's mind; too many bad memories and awful events surrounding his birthday and Christmas to even consider that time of year enjoyable. Not to mention all the snow and ice storms that seemed to plague this part of the country.

"Shit!" He hissed as he took another look at his watch; he was going to be really late now. Gripping the strap of the backpack over his shoulder, Ciel took off running, cursing up a storm as he went. "Fuck, fuck, damn, fuck!"

The 20-year-old college student hit the grassy courtyard just as the cathedral bells at St. Victoria University finished ringing and cobalt blue eyes scanned the area for any stragglers like himself; unfortunately, there were none. Running up the church's stone steps two at a time, the slate haired youth ducked through one of the open doors and into the entrance, keeping his panting to a minimum as to not be discovered.

A strong voice echoed throughout the old structure and Ciel peeked around the corner to in order see when the priest's back was turned and he could sneak into a seat. Spying a mop of blond hair in a pew near the back, he smiled, knowing exactly where he would be heading the second the opportunity arose. When the robed orator turned his back, Ciel made a beeline for the empty spot next to his friend.

Plopping down, he sighed with relief for having pulled off his mission impossible so successfully, slumping down a bit so others would not notice his sudden appearance. A slim finger reached over and poked him in the cheek, earning an annoyed growl and glare from the truant young man.

"Quit it." He whispered viciously, swatting away the probing digit and glancing up quickly to make sure no one heard him. "Don't you know you're supposed to be paying attention during a sermon, Alois?" Ciel sat up straighter, trying to look contemplative on the outside as he grumbled at his friend. "You might miss something important that will save your immortal soul." A low giggle was emitted to his right at the observation.

"Really, Ciel? Are you really going lecture me on the importance of paying attention in morning mass when you were late again?" Alois arched an eyebrow doubtfully, icy blue orbs dancing with mischief. "What's that make it, the third time this month?" He smirked before pretending to listen to the man at the pulpit again. They didn't want to be caught having a discussion during a sermon since there would be hell to pay; literally.

"It's not my fault." Ciel defended quietly. "The way I see it if the good Lord wanted me attend mass on time would He have woken me up 15 minutes earlier." He grinned and it was Alois's turn to roll his eyes. "I was just waiting for divine intervention." Ciel wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

"I want to see you try to explain that to Father Spears later." He informed, nodding his head towards a stern looking man preaching to them up front. "I'm sure he'll totally agree with that theory." A sushing sound from the row behind had them ceasing their conversation and listening instead to the lesson from Corinthians.

When mass finally ended, Ciel and Alois collected their belongings and followed the rest of the student populace outdoors and into the morning sun. They had about ten minutes to make it to their first class of the day and neither felt the need to get there any faster than necessary; especially Alois who absolutely abhorred having to take advanced business calculus with Ciel.

"So, why were you late this morning?" The blond needled as they sauntered across the courtyard side by side. He was looking down at the grass, scuffing up his shoes on purpose as he tried to think of any excuse to keep from going to class. "Bard finally refused to drive to your rich ass around all the time?" Alois teased.

"No." Ciel retorted, giving him a stupid look. "Bard drove me. I just got up late, that's all." He huffed as they continued walking, annoyed that Alois had to bring up his financial status in conversation once again by mentioning his chauffeur. Glancing over, he scowled. "Will, you quit dragging your feet? If you keep up that pace, class will be over before we get there."

"Do you think that's at all possible?" The blond's face brightened considerably at the prospect of not spending 90 minutes in his own personal version of hell. "What?" He asked, seeing the reprimanding look Ciel shot him.

"Remind me again why you decided to take this course since you hate math so much." He asked, quickening his steps so Alois would unconsciously match it. "It's not like it was required for your major." Opening a door, the two stepped into the math building and proceeded down the long crowded hallway.

"I took it because I need a math credit and you were complaining about how we didn't have any classes together this semester." He pointed out, then placing his hand dramatically over his heart. "And me being such a good friend threw off the shackles of my own insecurities and offered my GPA up as a sacrifice to the math gods. All for you, Ciel Phantomhive." Alois exaggerating his feigned distress loudly.

"Well, thank God, you're a theater major and not a business major." Ciel snickered as they entered the classroom and sat at their assigned seats. "Because you would never graduate if that were the case." His friend hummed in agreement, digging into his backpack to retrieve his notebook. "Besides, I don't have time to tutor you in every subject, just this one." Pulling pen out and a folder, Ciel situated himself and waited for their professor.

Revelations part 1Where stories live. Discover now