Chapter 16?

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"I think he might be dead." Lizzie offered as she poked the lifeless arm next to her with a pencil. "That or maybe he has narcolepsy, but I'm not sure." She grinned, emerald eyes shining bright as she continued to accost the pale bicep with her writing instrument.

It was lunchtime on a Monday and all the students who were not eating off campus had gathered into the large dining area to partake in their afternoon meal. The school had a small cafeteria and canteen which served a variety of items; some healthier than others. The trio that now sat at a small round table had just purchased their food and began eating; well, two of them anyways. Alois had immediately laid his head down on his arms and fallen asleep; exceptionally odd behavior for the blond student who always seemed to be hungry.

"Alois, wake up!" Ciel ordered while munching on some chips. He quirked an eyebrow at his friend who just mumbled something about not wanting too. "Really, you need to eat something or else you won't pay attention in calculus later and you cannot afford to miss out on anything in that class." He frowned as another round of incoherent complaints were given as an answer.

"What the hell happened this weekend?" Lizzie inquired, leaning her head down in an attempt at peering through the folded arms at Alois's face. "Did you go binge drinking or something? You're usually a crazy ball of energy." She shot a concerned look across the table at Ciel who just shrugged his shoulders. Taking matters into his own hands, he kicked Alois in the shin as hard as possible.

"Gahhh, what the hell!" He cried out, head snapping up and scowling at his best friend. "Geez, all I want to do is take a quick cat nap and you guys keep pestering me!" Alois glared murderously first at Ciel and then Lizzie; both of whom just sat there smiling innocently.

"You know if you keep snoozing someone is going to steal that cookie off your plate," Ciel stated, pointing to the untouched chocolate chip. "Namely me." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, earning an annoyed growl from his friend. "But really, Alois, what did you do this weekend? I mean, you're never this lethargic." The blonde sighed and picked up a fork to poke around at his macaroni salad.

"Nothing. I did nothing exciting other than have a tutoring session with Claude Saturday evening. Other than that, I slept pretty much most of Sunday." He answered shyly; blond bangs hiding his face as a faint blush spread across his cheeks at the memory of his math tutor.

Lizzie giggled. "Ohhhh, it all makes sense now." She teased, wrapping an arm around Alois's shoulder and hugging him close. "You're all worn out from your 'tutoring' session." Lizzie grinned knowingly while making air quotes to emphasize her point. "So how was it? Did you learn anything useful?" Ciel rolled his eyes at the barely concealed innuendoes, his own appetite quickly waning.

"Don't you have somewhere you need to be, Elizabeth?" He asked while jerking his head to the side. Ciel could see that Alois was not comfortable talking about this in front of Lizzie and that fact alone made him concerned about what had actually transpired during his tutoring. The gregarious blond never let an opportunity to boast about his sexual exploits go to waste no matter who was around. She pouted at the obvious attempt at giving them some privacy and sighing heavily, stood up while grabbing her backpack.

"I need to talk to Paula anyways. Her boyfriend is being a jerk again." Lizzie waved a quick goodbye, making sure to swipe the apple from Ciel's lunch as payback for forcing her to leave just when the conversation was getting good. Finally alone, he turned his attention back to the still drowsy Alois who was moving the food aimlessly around his plate.

"Alright, she's gone." Ciel started, leaning forward and lowering his voice. "Now, tell me what went down this weekend. Did something happen?" Alois glanced up at the anxious look on his face and he scowled while shaking his head. "Oh? Ok, I'll be more specific. Did Claude force you to do anything? Did he take advantage of you? Are you hurt?" The blond snorted at the assumption before giving up on his lunch altogether and sitting back in his seat.

Revelations part 1Where stories live. Discover now