Chapter Thirty

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"So what's the plan?" Marissa asked Ellie Rae once everyone was done hugging each other and being happy. Ellie Rae looked down at her wrist and nodded.

"The plan is we get out of here before they realise the guards are unconscious." She nodded enthusiastically. Marissa couldn't argue with that logic and motioned for Ellie Rae to lead the way. The three followed after her into the hallway and Jax was the one that stopped to take in the sight of the six unconscious guards that were sprawled out in the hallway.

"You did all this?" Ellie Rae nodded. "By yourself?" She nodded again. Jax's face slowly broke into a grin. "My man."

"Daniel took me to the labs they have and they were able to figure out why I was so sick looking and feeling." Ellie Rae explained as she bent down to grab a gun and a knife off of one of the guards. She handed it to Marissa and continued her story. "Apparently, some of the mutated cells in my body were defective. The ones our parents inadvertently exposed us to." Ellie Rae motioned to Marissa. They knew that story. Marissa noted, as Ellie Rae talked, that she did look better. Healthier. There was a healthy glow about her that had disappeared once they had gone on the run. "So they did some things that I can't even name, gave me an injection and then monitored my condition. They were happy when I went back to normal. And Daniel was great, he was the one who told them I was sick and all that." They were walking down the hallway and Marissa almost stopped walking.

"Daniel? That prick is still around?" Someone smacked into her behind her and she heard a murmured apology from Lincoln but she was too busy staring at Ellie Rae, bewildered. Ellie Rae turned around completely and stopped walking.

"He just needed the right person Mar. He's helped me."

"He got you in this mess."

"He's not a bad person."

"He's the one who-"

"Yes, I know but people change!"

"Not in a week they don't!" Ellie Rae frowned and shook her head.

"It's been a month, Mar. We've been here a whole month." Marissa's jaw dropped. How was the possible? How was any of this possible?

"What do you mean... It can't." Ellie Rae nodded solemnly. She cocked her head suddenly and looked somewhere past Marissa. She cursed.

"We have to go. Daniel's losing control over the cameras. They'll discover your gone in a few minutes and then this place will be swarming with guards. We'll talk after. I promise." She reached out and gave Marissa a reassuring squeeze on her arm and then turned around. The four of them got into a run, following Ellie Rae who seemed to have this place seared into her brain.

They reached a set of doors and came to a stop. They were barely out of breath but the shock of Ellie Rae and Daniel had left Marissa baffled and out of breath. There was something odd going on there but she would have to investigate later. Getting out was important. She raised her gun over Ellie Rae's shoulder, knife in hand for ease of access. The boys positioned themselves, prepared for whatever was on the other side.

There was a click and the doors unlocked. Ellie Rae pushed them open and the four ran through them. They were in an atrium and it was void of all life. Marissa came to a stop and looked around.

"I've been here before." She murmured to herself. In the back of her mind, she could feel the itching of a memory scratching, trying to get out. She shook her head and turned to look at her friends. "Where now?"

"We need to get to the control rooms, get Daniel and go to the basement. Then Jax steals a car and drives us the hell out of here." Jax's face lit up.

"I get to steal a car?"

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