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This is my first ever fan fiction I'm writing so the grammar might be weird and the story writing might not be smooth. I did take some inspiration on other stories such as romantic killer or orv. so credits to those!

y/n = your name l/n = last name

when you introduce yourself I might write last name first since in Japan they do that.

anyways, I hope u enjoy. o(^-^)o

Birds chirping, the wind breezing, your neighbor's aunties gossiping about one another—everything was perfectly normal. The day was as usual; you woke up in your own room, ate breakfast, and went to your high school.

Immediately after the bell rang, you ran to the entrance of the school, put on your outdoor shoes, and ran to the house as fast as possible to see if your game packaging had been delivered. Relaxing at home and playing games was the best thing a human can ever experience, at least in your eyes.

"Do you want to go to karaoke with us?"

"Let's go shopping for swimsuits for the school trip!"

You can't count how many times your classmates tried inviting you to join their "extrovert" activities. And of course, your answer was always no. (Unless they bait you into coming with a brand new manga or game.) It wasn't that you were bad at speaking to people or had no friends; it was actually the opposite; you were quite popular and had a decent number of friends in the school. You just preferred to stay at home.

After 5 minutes of nonstop running, you finally arrived at your destination, heaven. In other words, your house. Kicking open the gates, you check to see if your packaging has arrived.

In front of your doorstep, you see a cardboard box, and when you looked closely at the paper taped on top, it said [for Miss L/N Y/N, estimated to arrive on June 2nd, 2019].

Unable to contain the happiness, you screamed, "AHHHH YEEEEEEESSS!!!!," regretting it soon after, because your neighbor yelled at you to shut up. You couldn't blame them for becoming angry; over the past years, you probably screamed over 500 times.

Ever since you were 4 years old, you have loved the existence of "video games, anime, and manga." It was the very reason you kept living in this world. Anime waifu's and husbando's really turned your life upside down 180 degrees.

"I'm home," you say, opening up your front door and entering your house. Taking off your shoes, you walk upstairs to your own room. The moment you entered your room, you ripped open the packaging, checking to see if your order was in there.

(insert game name). It was her long-awaited open-world RPG that came out one week ago. The first time she ordered it, it was already sold out. The reputation of the game maker was already a huge reason why people wanted it so badly.

"Yeeesssss, it's finally here! My long-awaited precious! haha..HAHAHAHHAHA."

If anyone saw your expression right now, they would've probably taken out their phone, took pictures, and dialed the local police. It would be perfectly normal if you were put in jail with how creepy you looked.

But you didn't care; the only thing on your mind right now was the brand new game you just obtained.

After loading up the disk on the PlayStation, you grabbed some snacks from your snack pile and waited for the game to load.

As the loading bar fills up, you wiggle around in excitement.

-download complete-

Excited, you smiled widely as you watched through the opening cutscene. The quality looked absolutely amazing.

The game opens up to the character introduction menu, revealing all the hot and smexy characters.
You scream internally, they all looked gorgeous...

After scanning through the characters, the screen arrives at the main menu. At the bottom sat the start button, colored with a bright and eye-blinding pink.

-start game-

With no hesitation, you clicked "Start Game," no way of knowing that was the how the chaos happened.

squish squish

"Huh?" You tilt your head in confusion.

After you pressed the start button, a balloon like squishy noise interrupted your ears. You look around your surroundings, with one of your brows raised.
It must be kids playing with some water balloons, you thought.

You sign and relax, turning to look back at the screen, only to be greeted with a weird potato like creature. Just like Sadako from The Rings, it crawled its way out of the screen.

Am I dreaming??? You panick. From your forehead was drops of sweat, followed by widened eyes, a gaping mouth, and an irregular heartbeat.
If there was a monitor connected to you, it would've went way past your maximum possible heart rate.


Jumping back to your bed, you point at the weird creature.

"Helloooo!!! Nice meeting you, ahem...(l/n y/n)?" The creature that popped out of the screen was pink, had a potato-like oval appearance, with magician-like attire. In its skinny stick hands were a magic stick, shimmering brightly like a star.

When it swang it's stuck, a piece of paper magically appeared from the air. The creature looked through the paper, slowly saying my name as it raises its head.

Not being able to believe what was happening, you rubbed your eyes. Unfortunately for you, it didn't help. The thing was still here, floating in your room.

"I will apologize for the sudden intrusion, but let me get to the point.....ahem."

As it swang it's stick again, two drums appeared with the drum stick automatically playing it.
Taking a deep breath the weird creature makes a thumbs up with its non existent fingers, shouting.

"You. Yes you....were chosen to be the HEROINE for the new world!!!! So please get ready because I will be resetting the world at 12:30 pm tomorrow!"

In your 15 years of living, you've been a fan of anime for at least 75% of it. Isekai's we're your thing sure, but there is a limit to how far a otaku can imagine.

Oh god, I think I'm getting dizzy.

For the past 5 minutes, you brain has been bombarded with new information that your body is starting to crumble.
Falling on the ground, you support yourself with your two arms. Noticing your exhaustion, the pink creature moved its wand again, and chanted some kind of spell.

The moment the it finished it's enchantment, you felt your brain clear up.

".......Ah?!" Regaining your composure, you grab the creature and moved it back and forth.

"WHAT did you just do to me!? WHO are you? WHAT are you? WHAT are you here for? HOW are you here? Lastly, WHAT did you mean i will end the world TOMORROW!?!?!?" you yelled, approaching the mysterious creature.

"Whoa, whoa, you first need to relax I-"

"oh...relax? .....RELAX!? So you think this is something to be relaxed about? There is literally an unknown flying and talking creature in my room right now. I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE BUT IF YOU DON'T ANSWER MY QUESTIONS, I'M GONNA TAKE YOU TO A SCIENCE LAB SO THEY CAN EXPERIMENT ON YOU."

You brought out your right hand, poking the strange creature.

Finally free from your grasp, it flies around the room.
"Phew...we'll, you're an aggressive one, huh? Anyway, I'm very sorry to say but the explanations will have to wait until 3700 years later. Now then, have a good rest of your day!"

Ciao it say, as it disappears with a pink smoke. You were left there in your room, standing in silence.

"...Maaaaybe I watched too much anime. Yeah, that should be it. It's just a weird illusion. I should go take a nap."

𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘀 [Dr. Stone x reader]Where stories live. Discover now