part 5

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" Where were you " Jin said rushed towards him and other members also

" I was just get kidnap " Taehyung said laughing

" Are you serious?? But how you come home?? " RM asked

" Ohh i come with jimini and yoongi " Taehyung said

Than yoongi and jimin appear

" How you too are here? " Jhope said and rushed towards them and hugged suga and than jimin

Other members also come and hug them

" Taehyung do you know them??" Jk asked

" Yes they are my best friend " Taehyung said but he was not looking fine

" Taehyung are you okay " Jin said

" No I'm not " Taehyung said and left from there and now he is going towards basement

" Taehyung why are you going in the basement?? " Jhope said

"I don't have any room so " Taehyung said and start walking

" Tae please listen to me " Jimin said while holding his hand but taehyung yanked his hand and left from there while his eyes we're filled with tears

Yoongi also tried to stop him but taehyung didn't listen to him and just walking

Than jungkook walk towards him and carry him on his shoulder

" Kook what are you doing " Jin said

" Don't worry hyung i will handle him " Jk said and start walking towards his room while taehyung just punching on his ass

" Leave me " Taehyung shouting

" There is no extra room left so I'm going to share my room with you " Jk said

" Omg so is he.... " Jimin said Sheepliy and Jin smack his head

" Stupid nothing will happened... But why was taehyung crying and how do you know him ???" Jin asked

" I was also thinking this " Rm said

" Hyung....... Umm.. Actually taehyung was our best friend... We study in same collage " Jimin said

" But we didn't tell him that we are mafia otherwise... " Yoongi said

" Okay ok ... That is the reason he was crying.... " Jhope said

" Actually we were best friends and we decided to never keep anything secret between us.. And only jimin and i were his friends..... " Yoongi said

" He also live alone... His parents and his brother live in another country due to their so called busy work... And taehyung trust us that we will never keep anything secret... But we keep it secret that we are mafia.. " Jimin said

" Everything is gonna be alright " Jhope said

" I'm hungry .... Did you made something??? " Jimin said to jin

" Nope I'm not going to make anything..... Asked to your boyfriend he will made something for you " Jin said

" Yoongiii please... Cook something.. I'm hungry " Jimin siad showing his puppy eyes

" Okay I will cook... Tell what you wanna eat " Yoongi said

" You " Jimin said and wink at him

" Are you sure? " Suga said with a smirk.

" U... Umm I was just kidding " Jimin said nervously and run towards his room

" Look at these lovely dovely couples " Jhope said rolling his eye

" Yes yes you don't have anyone that's why you are saying " Yoongi said teasing

" Hey you cat.. Shut your mouth " Jhope said

" If I not... Than " Suga said with a smirk on face

" You little cat " Jhope said angrily and run towards his for punching his face and suga start running in whole room

" Aish.. These kids " Jin said with a done face

Meanwhile ~

Jungkook put taehyung on the bed and hovered on him but taehyung eyes we're still close........

" I'm sorry taehyung for what I have did " Jk said

" You didn't have done anything than why are you saying sorry? " Taehyung asked and open his eyes... And his eyes met with jk's eyes .. They having eyes contact not knowing what in position
They have

Taehyung remember again what happened to him.. He again start to cry and he hugged jungkook's neck and crying on his shoulder while jungkook was just shocked by his action... Jungkook was totally lying on taehyung

After crying 30 minutes more now taehyung is feeling good

" So will you tell me why you were crying " Jungkook asked

" Why you want to know " Taehyung said

" Just like that.. I was just know what happened to you.... I mean how did you get kidnapped and how you come home with jimin and yoongi ..... Will you tell?? " Jungkook said

" Actually a guard said you were calling and outside of mension and when I checked you were not there.... And after that I didn't remember anyt-thing...... And when I opened my yes I-i saw myself lying in a strange room * sob * and when I felt someone was lying besides me.... When I saw there was someone....he was whole naked and he tried was trying to ra-pped me *sob* I pushed him and hit him with a vase .... I want to escape from there but the room was locked.. " Taehyung said all the things happen with him... Taehyung was still sobbing on jungkook's chest

" Than what happened to you " Jk asked

" I found mobile on the table but I didn't remember anyone's number but when I remember jimin's phone no. I call him to help me... And tell him what happened with me..... And jimin come to save me with yoongi but when I saw gun on his hand and blood on yoongi's shirt ... That time I was scared of themm.. I was scared of my own friends ..... I saw jimin to kill people with gun..... And his shooting skills was supper... I don't know that he can use gun and suga also.... And when I asked how to learn to use a gun.... He just said I'm a mafia and we hide this from you .... You know I was more shocked " Taehyung tell him everything while crying

" I thought they were my best friends but" Tae said crying

" tae..we they have reasons that's why they did " jk said

With that jungkook kiss on taehyung's neck where that strangy guy bit him.. Taehyung was just moaning when jk bit his sensitive area...

" Ummmm..' taehyung said moaning


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