Nerd HQ

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Just a little daydream I had today, thought it would make a fun little story. I've always wanted to learn swing dance. I read recently Tom took that at Uni. So......

I'm so excited! My friend and I got tickets to see Tom Hiddleston at the Nerd HQ Q & A session. You see, Tom is my serious die hard crush. I love everything about him. He's sexy, smart and has a beautiful heart. He's a gentleman, socially conscious and the man can dance! And me? Well, I'm an accomplished swing dancer. I started 5 years ago as a way to lose weight and get in shape. It worked, and along the way I fell in love with swing dancing! Another thing you should know about me is that I have a bucket list. There are many things on my list such as sleep in a castle, hand glide, visit an ice hotel, visit the pyramids, learn to paint, scuba dive a ship wreck.....and dance with Tom Hiddleston. Now, that last one may seem like a long shot, but I have a plan!

After waiting in line for a couple of hours, Susan and I finally get to our seats at Nerd HQ. I'm so excited this is finally happening! My heart is beating a mile a minute. I'm wearing a cute swing dance outfit; a black and white plaid poodle skirt, saddle shoes and socks, and a turquoise angora sweater, pearls, a ponytail and bright red lipstick.

Before the show gets underway, an assistant comes out and talks to everyone about some ground rules. Next a representative from Operation Smile speaks to us, thanking everyone for supporting their initiative. And finally out comes Zachary Levi! Goodness, he's a good looking man too. Tall and slim (just how I like them) with a beautiful smile and dark hair. Many in the crowd are there just for him, and it's easy to see why.

After talking with the crowd for a bit, Zachary introduces the main attraction, Tom Hiddleston. My heart pretty much leaps into my throat when I see him appear! He's casually dressed in a white dress shirt, rolled up at the sleeves, and navy dress pants. His hair is cropped close and he is clean shaven today. Oh God...just how I like him! I'm starting to believe I'm kind of crazy to even think I could go through with this. I mean look at the amount of people here! Why do I think that even If I do get to ask a question, he'd consider my request? I'm starting to lose my nerve, but then Susan squeezes my hand and gives me a huge smile.

"Julie, oh my God, this is so awesome, and fuuuuck he's gorgeous!"

I squeeze her hand back, feeling my confidence coming back. Tom is seriously so sweet. And funny. And so charming, he'd have the pants off of any of us in here in less than 1 minute if he so requested! He has answered question after question for a good 40 minutes now, and even treated the crowd to a hilarious imitation of a Raptor! This performance alone has me convinced maybe I do have a chance at getting to dance with him. I finally decide now is the time to go for it. I put up my hand a few times, and now I finally caught the eye of one of the microphone people. She comes over and hands me the microphone. She tells me that after Tom finishes answering the current question, to just stand and wait until he turns to me. Susan whispers a quick 'good luck' to me and I rise from my seat. My heart is beating in my ears and I'm feeling a little light headed! I can hear the applause from the last question and I watch Tom intently waiting for a clue that he is finished with the last person. I hear Zachary speak.

"Ok, ok, who's next? Oh, the young lady with the ponytail! What is your question?"

All eyes turn expectantly on me. I'm watching Tom, who has just taken a drink from his water bottle. Once he settles back, he scans the crowd looking for the next fan. Here it goes!

"Hi Tom," I give a little wave to him. He gives me a huge megawatt smile.

"Hello darling, what's your name?" he asks me.

I'm trying to control my breathing so I can speak without passing out!

"Julie," I answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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