chapter 18- group chat

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Hogwarts student + kayla

You: ahhhh tom do you know

Tomf: yeah my manager just told me

Emma: know what

You: guess who is the new narcissa and lucius malfoy

Rupert: not you thats for sure

You: first off rude 

Tomf: second its us they asked me come back to the hp and be lucius

Bonnie: how did you get the part kayla

You: idk someone sent my tape to some other audition and apparent me and tom make a cute married couple

Daniel: wait there re-doing harry potter without me

You: your old daniel you can't be harry anymore

Daniel: i could play james

Rupert: you want to play a dead guy

Daniel: ok you have a point their

James p: kayla how it going with you and chris

Kayla: please don't remind me

Emma: what where you laughing at earlier anyway

Kayla: he said if i touch any of this things he will send me to jail so i said does his dick count and he turned as red as rupert hair

Rupert: again rude

Bonnie: kayla why do you keep forgetting

You: sorry bonbon

Oliver p: anyway have they said anything about fred and george yet

Tomf: for all we know they have not cast them yet

Bonnie: well goodluck us weasley have a big reputation to uphold

You: i wonder whos gonna play our son tom

Tomf: he's gonna have your looks 

You: with your hair of course

Emma: tell me again why you two never dated again

You: ...

Tom f: ...

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