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When Mike had left and we had put a film on, Billie and I sat on the double bed and ate pizza. Billie had been quiet all evening which was strange as he was usually the one that was up for anything and everything.

"So, Billie, you want to talk?" I wiped my mouth and put down a pizza crust, brushing the crumbs from my lap.

He shrugged, "to be honest I don't really know how I feel. I miss home and I think I just feel a bit distant from everything at the moment. It's nothing for you to worry about."

"But I do worry, Bill. I want to make sure you're okay."

"I know, I'm glad I have someone like you to talk to, but I'm fine. I just feel kinda... alone at the moment..."

I shook my head and smiled sadly at him, "you're not alone, you have so many people that love you, how could you ever possibly think you're alone? And after all, you've got me!" I winked.

"Yeah," he chuckled quietly, "yeah I do."

As the film played on Billie crawled under the covers and laid down on the bed. I was already lying on my back and he leant his head on my shoulder. "Tré?"


"I don't want this to sound weird, but can you stay in here? I just... need to be with someone..."

"Of course, Bill." I smiled at him. This wouldn't be the first time we had shared a bed and we had done a lot worse when we were drunk and so many times before.
When the film finished I got ready for bed and slipped under the duvet next to Billie. I was in tracksuit bottoms-worried that sleeping in underwear with my friend would be too weird-but obviously he didn't care because he was in his boxers.
As soon as I got into bed he shuffled to get closer to me. His skin was cold against mine and it was clear that he was trying to warm himself up on me.

"You're so warm." He shivered, pressing himself closer to me.

"You're fucking freezing!" I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. I soon fell asleep like that, content with the familiar company.

When the lights had been off for a while I felt Billie start to lean up towards my face. I could tell what he was trying to do and I faced him in the dark.

"Don't say anything." He whispered and his lips lightly touched mine.

It was only for a moment but it was the kind of kiss that made my stomach flutter, my blood freeze and the breath leave my lungs. When he stopped to breathe I remembered myself.
"Hey, you know what happens if you start that, I really don't think it's a good idea, Bill..."
He was quiet and then returned to his previous position to sulk so I turned the bedside lamp on. "What's the matter? You know that it's a bad idea."

He shrugged, "why can't you just kiss me and not ask questions or doubt it?"

"Because it's wrong. We both have families back home, and we'd both regret it."

"It never stopped you before." He sat up a little to look at me and then sighed. "I just don't want to feel alone tonight..."

I felt bad for him; I knew what it was like to be away from your family, and it takes its toll. Sometimes it was just nice to cuddle up to someone and feel close to them. I tilted my head and stroked Billie's scruffy, black hair.
"I know." I leaned in closer to him and kissed him softly, pulling him to me and putting my arms around him. He roughened the kiss as soon as he realised that I had initiated it and rolled me on top of him. Our lips never left each other and his hands wandered to my hips. They then slid up to my chest before skimming back down to the waistband of my tracksuit bottoms.
His hand slipped into the trousers and underneath my pants while I stayed put, just happy that we were together.

There was a moment of peace while we kissed, letting our skin melt into each other and the moment take over. It passed quickly and the calm was soon disrupted when he removed bottoms.
He reached below my waist and grasped me hard, making me break the kiss and gasp. It almost hurt and he chuckled at me. "Don't like it rough then?"

"Not really a fan..." I hissed through gritted teeth and he loosened his grip a little, letting me relax. He then flipped me over onto the mattress and gazed down at me.
He started to move his hand in a slow rhythm and I was lost for a moment, trying to think straight and focus on Billie. He was grinning at me and I had never realised quite how beautiful he was until now. His marshy green orbs were glistening in the dim light and his lips were slightly parted, flashing the white teeth behind them.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, starting to look nervous. "You're making me self conscious..."

"Trust me, you have nothing to be self conscious about!" I laughed shallowly.
I had let my hand wander to his boxer line and felt around for a way in; the elastic was fairly tight and the solid peak behind the fabric wasn't exactly helping me concentrate.
He brushed my hand away and tutted at me. "Not yet, I'm gonna see how far you can go without touching me."

That may seem like an odd thing to say, but I liked to touch him and he knew that all to well.
"Ah, come on, what are you doing?"
I whined, trying to worm my way back to his pants.

"Uh-uh-uh" he shook his head playfully, "you're not doing it, Tré, I want to watch you squirm with no distractions."
He quickened the pace he was moving his hand and I gripped the bed sheets, watching the gorgeous singer spinning in front of me.
Before I had a chance to catch my breath his lips crashed into mine and cut off the oxygen. I panicked for a second before remembering that I could breath through my nose and air flooded my lungs.

Billie kissed me one last time and then darted to take me into his mouth and I gulped, leaning into the mattress and trying my best to control the moans that were gushing from my mouth. I let my hand stroke his hair as he worked and had to restrain myself from holding his head down-I knew how much he hated that-and just tried to concentrate on the soft strands of silky black that my fingers were gliding through.
"F-fuck, Bill, you gotta stop" I panted, feeling myself close already.

"Am I too much for ya?" He cocked an eyebrow and returned to his original position on top of me.

"You wish" I grinned lazily and he kissed me again, ignoring the hand that was reaching for his underwear again.

"You've been good, I'll give in this time." He smirked, but the look in his eyes was hungry and I could tell that it was more likely that he needed the attention than that he was giving in to me.

I wasted no time with my hands and used my mouth immediately, shocking him and willing a auditable moan to leap from his lungs. I would have smiled if I was in a position where I was capable of moving my mouth, so instead let out a throaty chuckle, accompanied by another moan from Billie. I could tell he was just as close as I had been, and was trying to hide it, but he wasn't fooling anyone. It wasn't long before he was gasping and begging me to stop before he lost it. I had control now, and that felt amazing.

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