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Chapter 12: “Chu Binghuan hesitated a few times before asking, “You……relinquished your thoughts on your fiancé?””

Everyone knows that being early isn’t as good as coming at the right time.

It was the seventh day of the seventh month1, so the entire Hangzhou City was brightly lit. Girls released lamps into the river to pray for blessings, while others exchanged love tokens on the shore of West Lake. With beautiful scenery on such a fine evening, it really made people become intoxicated at the sight.

Hua Che laid on the rooftop. Although the ceramic roof tiles were somewhat chafing to the touch, they were still quite harmless. 

He had just drank some sake and was a bit tipsy. Before long, Hua Che began to feel sleepy.

Chu Binghuan sat beside him. Releasing some True Energy, he protected Hua Che and prevented mosquitoes from harassing him.

The bright moon hung high in the sky as shooting stars fell like rain.

Suddenly, Chu Binghuan thought of their past life. He and Hua Che had gone to the Shang Qing Immortal Sect and attended the disciple selection examination together. Surmounting all the difficulties during their journey, the two of them became the focus of everyone watching. 

Compared to Ling Xiao Temple’s threshold for passing, Shang Qing Immortal Sect was much stricter. Beginning at the Kunlun Mountain Range2, candidates must travel by foot and scale a mountain peak. Their paths would be riddled with endless traps of all magnitudes; poisonous miasma, mazes, demonic beasts, ghosts, and even illusions. 

Even now, Chu Binghuan still remembered—

At that time, they were confronting poisonous miasma that covered a hundred li3HoweverHua Che force-fed the only poison-repelling pellet he had to Chu Binghuan.

“Young hero, if you can escape alive, please bring my skeleton along and send it to Hangzhou. Give it to my most beloved Nanny Jiang.”

History has always been similar in astonishing ways.

Chu Binghuan didn’t have the mind to mock Hua Che for this catchphrase of his. He squatted down to take the boy’s pulse before he asked, “Why did you give it to me?”

Hua Che felt extremely dizzy. Simply leaning onto the tree trunk, he replied with closed eyes, “Since I was young, my mother has taught me to repay the kindness of others. You saved me from those two hooligans, so I must repay you.”

Chu Binghuan recalled how, half a month ago, when they encountered a demonic beast blocking their way, Hua Che had instinctively thrown away his life just to save him. He said, “You have already repaid me.”

Hua Che: “The grace of dripping water should be repaid with a gushing spring.”

Chu Binghuan knitted his brows. “At that time, when I helped you, the effort I used was no more than what it would take to lift a hand. You have no need to repay it using your life.”

“In addition, I had tasted a hundred herbs at five years of age. My body has long become invulnerable to a hundred poisons. Weak, poisonous miasma like this can’t do anything to me.”

“What?” Hua Che, who had nearly become a corpse, suddenly moved. “So my good intentions were for nothing?”

This reaction amused Chu Binghuan and almost made him smile, but he still managed to hold back. To avoid giving this evildoer an inch and letting him want a mile, never knowing what it meant to exercise restraint, Chu Binghuan deliberately lectured him with a cold face, “What do you think?”  

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