Chapter XXII - The Road Ahead

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Sitting against a big-rooted tree, with leaves creating a shelter from the sun above, Lucinda lifted her knees to her chest and took in the warm breeze. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she looked down the hill at Grace sitting and watching her brother. Kota placed more dirt on the small mound that was Aria's grave.

Lucinda glanced down at her bare left arm, on top of her knees, and she looked at the newly formed scar from the poison. As she examined her arm, she saw it still had some skin discoloration, which was darker than the paler skin around it. She sighed as she closed her left hand, feeling the tightness of the scar, before hearing someone walk up beside the tree. They leaned against the trunk, asking her in a feminine voice, "Has he said anything to you since that day?"

Lucinda shook her head before she looked up to her left at Sonya, who still wore some bandages over her right shoulder. Sonya swept her black hair onto her right shoulder as she stretched her neck and shoulder. She still wore her armor from before, but it appeared cleaner than last time she saw her. She took a bite of an apple while holding another apple out to Lucinda. Lucinda grabbed the apple and nodded before taking a bite herself, watching Kota scoop up some more dirt with the wooden shovel.

"He has said nothing of importance to me since that day either," Sonya said. "He has only spoken to Grace, and she will not tell us about their conversations. Arro seems to have grown fond of the two of them though."

Lucinda nodded before looking down to see Arro resting on Grace's shoulder as she kept her head down, working on something in her lap.

Sonya stayed quiet until making a small noise to show she was thinking. "It makes sense for them to be trying to go through this together. They both watched someone who helped them die. It is different when it's a friend or family rather than a foe causing harm. They are helping each other get through this."

Lucinda was about to take another bite of her apple when she stopped and looked up at Sonya with a puzzled look.

Sonya looked down at her. "What? Do not look at me like that."

"Sorry. I mean no disrespect. It's just not like you to show any emotion other than anger." She gestured the apple to the side of her body, adding, "Well, that is all I have seen from you, anyway—cold for a fire caller."

Sonya pushed herself off the tree as she moved to stand next to Lucinda. Sonya shook her head as she squeezed the apple slightly in her hand, and Lucinda chuckled.

"I would have you know, Princess, I am very sympathetic to people who deserve it, but do not worry about them. These emotions will pass," explained Sonya, spinning her apple within her hand.

Lucinda smirked before turning her attention back to Kota as she said under her breath, "That is the Traveler I know."

"What about you? How are you doing since Asana?" asked Sonya before taking another bite of her apple, staring at the green of the leaves in the trees further behind them.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw the look on your face after you killed those two guards, and not to mention the look on your face leaving the prison. Something is wrong," Sonya turned her attention to Lucinda as she turned away from her sight.

Lucinda spun the apple in her hand for a few seconds before stopping. "I killed those two men without a second thought," she said, hugging her knees tight to her chest.

"Do not feel bad for them," said Sonya as she moved off the tree to square her feet with Lucinda. "It was you or them."

Lucinda shook her head in response to her comment. She took in a deep breath as she turned her attention back to Kota. "I know that, but I killed two more people while trying to save Grace in the room with Akar. I thought I was done with it all."

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