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Chapter 1

Plain Jane needs a makeover if she's joining this family


"Just ignore Rosalie, I do" Edward glares at the blonde infront of him as he wraps his arm around Bellas waist, holding her against him as Rosalie burns daggers into her face.

The family meal meet-up wasn't going to plan, Rosalie had smashed a bowl of freshly cut salad the remains of it scattered across the wooden floor which she steps over carelessly, her glare unmoving as she crosses her arms over her chest. The Cullen household had prepared an Italian meal for the human girl that Edward had decided to "date" only to find out Edward had selfishly taken her out for something to eat beforehand knowing full well what they were planning. Rosalie was getting more and more agitated by the minute, how long did it take to get from England to Forks because it seemed like forever and Lennea should've been here by now either making this boring bitch her next meal or killing Edward, either one of them would do.

Edward furrows his brows at Rosalie's thoughts, Lennea was coming home? He had no idea that she was. No one had told him anything. The blonde smirks at his face drop, Lennea had decided to take a year long trip back to England as she did every few years to enjoy her killings without the eyes of her family seeing her in her prime everyday. It was especially hard for Carlisle since she refused to change diets even though he had pleaded since the day he met her and even harder for Jasper since he wanted what she had but knew he couldn't have it, he couldn't disappoint Alice and he had already come so far. When she was with her family she never made it known that she hunted humans, she'd come back fully clean with no trace of blood or human scents on her, the only giveaway was her crimson coloured eyes but she put in contacts when she needed to.

It had only been a few months since she had left and they spoke to her every week but he had no clue she was coming home. Why didn't she tell him? She tells him everything usually.

"The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly" Rosalie seethes, Emmet coming to stand behind her with a comforting hand on her shoulder to ground her, she shrugs him off gently wanting nothing to than to break Edward's neck.

"Badly as in...I would become the meal" Bellas stuttering sentence has the family stifling their amused laughter, all of them covering their mouths to hide their snickers, even Rosalie had a little amused grin on her face at the sentence.

A creek is heard from the branches that fall in through the window, two figures making their presence known as they enter, Bella looks their way and steps back a tad when she sees Jasper. He always looks pained around her, his eyes wild. Out of them all he reminds her the most that she's the prey and they're the predators.

"Hi Bella" Alice's bell like voice echoes throughout the kitchen as her and Jasper gracefully enter through the open window, stepping down from a thin tree branch to land securely onto the hard wooden flooring.

Alice prances forwards like a happy deer whilst Jasper stops in his tracks near Rosalie and Emmet, quite a distance away from the human girl. Jasper was newer to the animal diet than the rest of them and found it hard to adjust even after so many years. He had human blood the longest out of those in the room, so he craved it the most.

"I'm Alice" she wastes no time in giving the girl a big hug, her overly friendly gesture causing Bella to jolt and gasp at the impact, she knew vampires were strong but for one so tiny Alice practically knocked the wind out of her.

"Oh you do smell good" Alice states taking a step back , it was supposed to be a compliment but it only made feel uneasy as it dawns on her she's stood in a room full of vampires.

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