Chapter 1: Newly Found

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Blood splattered on the floor as a scream went unheard by anybody outside the confines of the prison-like military base. The owner of the scream, a black hedgehog with red stripes and red eyes, was chained to a wall with a whip hitting his back. Ink of some sort was splattered on his fur to hide the red stripes and yellow contacts to hide the color of his eyes. If anybody saw who this hedgehog really was, then there will likely be a rebuttal. Another scream echoed through the room as the hedgehog was hit again.

He whimpered as the human touched his wounds. The human, who had a uniform that belonged to the military base G.U.N., smirked and walked away, shutting the cell door but, as the hedgehog noticed, didn't lock it. The dark one's ears perked up. Is this his chance to escape? Will he finally get the freedom he's been begging for?

Eagerly, the beaten up hedgehog made his way towards the cell door. He tried to ignore the pain coursing through him. Small whimpers escaped his mouth, but he inched forward. Soon, he made it to the door and gently pushed it open.

He quietly looked around for cameras and guards. Very carefully, he snuck towards the exit. As he opened the door to his freedom, the alarms went off.

"The project is getting away!" A voice repeated over and over while a very loud sound echoed through the halls. G.U.N. troops swarmed the halls, looking for the one that had escaped.

The dark creature had already ran out of the only place he's ever known. It was dark outside, so it made it harder to see him, and for him to see. He kept running. Everything moved in a blur as he kept running through something that was filled with these tall brown things with green on the top that covered most of the sky. Soon, the strange shoes that he always wore had fire jetting out, making him go faster. He screamed, not knowing that they were suppose to do that, and he looked down at his shoes. That's when he hit one of those brown things and fell into unconsciousness.

The next day, a speedy blue hedgehog was running through the forest, like every morning, with his best fox friend. Everybody knew these two: Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox. Anyways, Sonic was running, and Tails was following him, using his two tails to fly.

"Ah, nothing like the wind hitting your face on an early Saturday morning, eh Tails?" Sonic looked back at his little 'brother' as Sonic calls him. The young kitsune smiled and nodded. Sonic smiled back, but soon tripped over something, making him go face forward to the ground.

"Ow..." Sonic mumbles as he slowly stood back up. "What did I trip over?"

Tails and Sonic looked at a hedgehog laying unconscious on the ground. He was completely black with blood splatters all over him. His 6 quills had 4 upturned ones and 2 turned down. He had strange white and red shoes with jets on the bottom. Three bracelet like rings also were on him: one on his wrist and two on his ankles. In a way, the hedgehog looked very familiar to the two.

Sonic looked at all of the blood on the unconscious hedgehog and frowned. "We should help him."

He lifted up the hedgehog into his arms and started running to his and Tails' house in the outskirts of Station Square.

Tails followed behind, a little curious to whom this was and why he looked so... familiar. The rings seemed to look like someone's he met a couple years ago, but that person died...

When they got to their house, Sonic set the black hedgehog on his bed. He debated on waking him up, but he decided against it. The other would probably wake soon and it looked like he needed some rest. Sonic just pulled up a chair and looked at the hedgehog, wondering why he looks so familiar.

After a while, the hedgehog woke up, eyes glistening, almost as if they were fake. The golden eyes looked at Sonic, confusion in his eyes along with something else. Fear.

The blue hero smiled. "Hello there. How are you feeling?"

The hedgehog only whimpered and tried to move, but he winced in pain from his back. Sonic frowned as he saw the many whip marks, still bleeding.

"What happened...?" Sonic asked, but he never got an answer. He frowned and called for Tails. "Tails! Could you get the first aid kit and help our guest!?"

Soon, the two-tailed Fox was in the room. The Hedgehog's eyes were wide when he saw the two tails. Sonic chuckled lightly; it's not every day you see a fox like Tails.

Tails just smiled at their guest and walked to where Sonic was standing. "What's wrong?"

Sonic pointed to the dark one's back, which had lots of blood and big marks. Tails' eyes were wide. "Poor guy."

"Yeah... I wonder what happened to him." Sonic sighed. "But he hasn't said a word to me."

Tails frowned as he started to pat the hedgehog's wounds with a wet rag. He whimpered in response and tried to crawl away.

"We're not going to hurt you. Just cleaning the wounds is all." Sonic said, looking into the hedgehog's fear-stricken eyes. The hedgehog calmed some, seeing the blue hero's calm look. Sonic smiled and gently petted the hedgehog's quills, causing the other to purr. "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. What's your name?"

The hedgehog opened his mouth, but no words came out. He coughed and tried again but to no avail.

Tails frowned a little at seeing the stranger attempt to speak. He grabbed a small flashlight and said, "Open your mouth, please."

The hedgehog complied, and Tails started looking inside his mouth. "His throught is extremely red... Seeing these marks, I bet he's been screaming a lot... His voice will come back though, in a couple of days, if he gives it time to heal."

Sonic nodded and the hedgehog frowned. Tails wrapped gauze around his wounds, which made his chest, stomach, and back in the think bandages. The two noticed that on his chest was a puff of white fur, stained with blood. Again, the two were struck with the familiar looks. In truth, the two thought that he looked a lot like an old rival who died saving the world with Sonic. His name was Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow had the same shoes, chest fur, quills arrangement, and rings, but Shadow had red eyes that burned with determination and stripes on his quills , arms, and legs to match. This hedgehog was all black with golden eyes that had fear eched into them.

"You should get some rest. It'll help you heal faster." Tails said and the hedgehog nodded. Sonic helped him lay back down, and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep.

Sonic smiled softly and started to walk out of the room, Tails following. "Let's let him rest..."



"She's seriously writing another story!? Why can't she just finish one first!?"

Well, let's get something straight.
I have more ideas for stories than Eggman has robots. I can't help it.

This story is mostly for a friend who wanted to read more of this story, but couldn't because yesterday was my last day of school. I have written six chapters already in my notebook, so I can update this quicker.

This story takes place in 2004. About 3 years since Shadow fell and 'died.' Everything from Sonic Heroes to Sonic Boom does not exist. That being said, Silver and Mephiles are different than in '06.

I hope you enjoy this story because I defiantly love the new ideas I have for this.

Peace, Love, and SONADOW FOREVER!!!!

Stay Nerdy

~Lava <3

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