This isn't apart of the chapters.

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I just wanted to make a story about my feelings rn bc something happened, and yes. This includes s3lf h3rm and body dysphoria.


Why do ur friends look better than me, I can't but stare at the photo of ur friend that you called pretty comparing my body to hers. Shes slim and tall, I'm fat and short. How could you date me when you have other girls to worship?

How could you love me? How can you look at me and think to yourself that I'm pretty? Staring at the photos of her. Wow, she really is gorgeous even though I told my friends they well agreed she was gorgeous too.

Im in the kitchen, sitting on the floor crying all over myself. Repeating those words in my mind “shes better and prettier.” you're only so young don't think of yourself this way.

It isn't a lot because I'm on vacation and its 3am, but thats all that could
come to mind anyways gn

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