Insomnia ~Schmico~

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Levi paced around for the millionth time, letting out a sigh of annoyance. He was tired, but his mind didn't want to shut off. He was too busy thinking of the male sleeping in the on call room next to where he was and trying to control his fucking insomnia after a night shift, but sometimes it just hit him. They had to be asleep already when he glanced at the clock on the wall that read 3 a.m.

Nico would probably kill him if he woke him up this late since he was in a long surgery most of the day. But that's exactly what he did. Levi padded to the room next to where he was.

Levi knocked three times and waited a couple seconds before considering going back. Debating on knocking again, a frown took over his face knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, but he turned around fixing to head back.

The door clicked behind him, and he twisted around seeing a tired Nico who was shirtless.

"Hey," Nico rasped, the low sound making his heart beat speed up.

"Hey. Sorry for waking you." Levi wrapped his arms around himself.

Nico shook his head, eyes more awake now that they've adjusted to the dim light in the hallway. "No, no, what's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it. I was heading back to the other room anyways." Levi smiled lightly before turning around, but his voice stopped him.

"Can't sleep again?"

He bit his lip and shrugged when he faced Nico again. "Sort of."

The insomnia wasn't always this bad, but work lately put a lot of stress on him. He wasn't one who enjoyed the spotlight at times. It made him feel pressured to look and act a certain way in front of his peers, even though he was a clumsy nerd. Overtime he managed to ignore their comments. The comments were usually because of past mistakes he made.

Nico opened the door wider to the room. "Get in here."

"Thanks." He grinned, walking past him into the pitch black room. The other bed in the on call room was taken, leaving him to share the other with Nico. It wasn't weird though because this was an every night kind of thing when they were both there past 1-2 AM. He wouldn't be able to sleep and then he'd find herself wrapped in Nico's arms the next morning.

Levi took the left side and laid on his back. Nico slipped in beside him, his arm brushing against his while the other one rested behind his head.

"I'm sorry I keep doing this." Levi felt bad for waking him up at odd hours of the night when he should be resting for their work day the next day.

"I'm not." Nico turned his head so he could look at him.

"Really? You don't have to lie," Levi said, moving so his body was facing him.

Nico did the same and faced him while pulling the covers over both their bodies. "I like this. It's like our thing."

He giggled, "Our thing?"


"You're silly Nico."

It was silent for a moment, then his tired voice spoke up, "What's keeping you awake?"

Levi eyes adjusted to the dark after a minute and he could tell his were closed. He didn't know if he should really tell him the reason, but it came out before he could stop herself.

"There's this person I just... can't stop thinking about."

Nico peeked one eye open, meeting her tired gaze. "They must be special if you have a crush on them."

"You could say that."

From his small conversation, he somehow ended up right next to him with his arms being the only thing separating their chests from touching. Nico's head was a couple inches above his, leaving his eyes trained on his naked chest that he started tracing random shapes on.

His breathing was regular with soft intakes of air escaping his slightly parted lips that he had been dreaming about kissing for so long.

"You're something special, Nico Kim," Levi murmured, finally allowing his eyes to close.

His breath hitched, eyes snapping open when his hand came up and caressed his backside.

"You are too, Levi."

A smile painted his lips, and he was fast asleep in no time being in Nico's arms.

Insomnia ~Schmico~Where stories live. Discover now