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If you had told nineteen year old Sidney Prescott that she would grow up and fall in love with her best friend, she wouldn't have believed you. Yet here she was, sharing a bed with her high school bestie, Tatum Riley.

Had you told nineteen year old Tatum that she would grow up and fall in love with her best friend, she would have been confused and then happy. Of course, she never thought it could possibly happen because they both had boyfriends. 

It was a quiet Sunday morning, Sid and her wife sat cuddled together on the couch watching the news. As usual, the channel starts with the weather report, then it flashes to the more pressing matters.

"I'm gonna get us some coffee from the kitchen," Sid announces, kissing Tatum on the forehead before making her way into the kitchen.

She starts up the coffee brewer and gets out two mugs for her and her wife. The second the coffee's done, she rushes back to where Tatum is sitting, not wanting to spend time away from her.

"Holy shit," Tatum says, clearly dazed, "he came back." Even before she could see the screen, Sid knew exactly what Tatum was referencing. Her hands began to shake and the coffee falls to the floor with a deafening crash.

The blonde rushes over to her wife, picking up the shattered mugs.

"He's back," Sid echoes. She stumbles back into a chair, trying to sit down. Once she's processed everything that's happened, she takes out her phone, calling Gale.

"Did you hear?" Sid asks.

"Yeah," Gale answers, "you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"We will."

So that's how Sidney and Tatum's week started, their trauma brought back up to the surface for the seventh time.


Multiple miles away from the happily married couple, Samantha Carpenter's morning starts with   Her phone alarm buzzing, reminding her to take her medications. She pops the bottle open, downing a few pills with a sip of water.

Try as she might, the alarm had made it impossible for her to fall asleep. Now she was getting out of bed and heading towards the kitchen looking for two things: food and caffeine.

"Morning Carpenter," Kirby nods at her. After the last attacks, Kirby didn't really have a place to go, Sam and Tara had graciously let her stay in Quinn's old room. They hadn't quite become "close," but they were close in the sense that they lived together.

"Hey Kirby," she smiles weakly, grabbing a Coca Cola from the fridge.

"How'd you sleep?" the blonde asks her. Even right after waking up, Sam finds it incredible just how beautiful Kirby is.

"Like a shark, with one eye open. And you?"

"Damn, no wonder you're going straight for the caffeine. I slept okay."

"Tara up yet?" Sam questions.

"No, not yet. Good for her, though, she could use the rest." Sam nods understandingly.

Half an hour and three cans of coke later, the younger Carpenter emerges from her room.

"Tara, how are you?" her sister inquires.

"Tired," she replies tersely, grabbing some water. Before she can sit down to watch her show, they all hear a loud knock on the door.

Sam looks through the door's tiny viewing window, observing the one and only Gale Weathers at their door.

"Gale, what are you doing here this morning?" Kirby and Tara rush to the door, hearing the familiar name.

"Ghostface is back in Woodsboro," Sam drops her empty cola can, "Sid and Tatum are coming with me to put an end to this. I wanted you guys to hear it from me first and not from the news."

"Well I'll come with you," Sam blurts out. She has no idea why, but she assumes it's because she wishes this stupid legacy would end already.

"Thank you, Sam, but I don't want you getting hurt," Gale responds.

"Well then I'll go with her and make sure she doesn't," Kirby asserts.

"No, Kirby, it's too dangerous," Sam reasons. She doesn't want Kirby or Tara getting hurt.

"We'll protect each other," Kirby shrugs.

"I feel so left out," Tara complains, "I guess I have to come with you as well."

"I'm really not going to be able to convince you to stay here and stay safe?" Gale asks.

"Not a chance. We share a history now," Kirby reminds her.

"Okay, but you guys have to be careful."

Within minutes, all three are packed and ready for a week in Woodsboro.

"Let's end these motherfuckers."


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