Just Like That

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Kirby's POV

Eight days and countless stab wounds later, the new Ghostface was revealed to be some stupid high schooler. As usual. It takes everything in Sidney, Tatum, and Gale not to roll their eyes. Like, some stupid attention seeker deciding to carve people up for the seventh time? 

Everyone's been staying at Sid's old house. Nobody wanted to buy it, so Sid and her father had kept it. Well, everyone except me, Tara, and Gale. We've been staying at the hospital for the past few days. Gale and I are mostly there because both of us lost a lot of blood, and need to be monitored. Tara, on the other hand is alive, but she's been in and out of operating rooms these past few days. She's hardly in the condition to leave.

Mindy "finally made it to monologue," but not much past it. Thankfully, she's perfectly fine, she just got knocked out.

Chad, Sam, Sidney, and Tatum all survived fairly well. Obviously, they weren't entirely unscathed, but with a few stitches and one night under monitoring they were quickly discharged.

Sam comes to visit me every day before visiting Tara, I've learned to enjoy her company. It started with her casually checking in on me, and then it turned into conversations about what we'd been through, and what we planned to do next. 

This morning is different, after Sam leaves, Mindy comes in.

"Hey! I heard your room has still has a cassette player?"

"Yep," I nod. The Woodsboro hospital has hardly changed since the 90's. The TV's are boxy, and not very high quality.

"Good, because I found some of my uncles old ones, and thought we could watch them? You know, cuz you're a horror fan and all," she suggests.

"I could sure use the company," I respond.

You'd think that after the horrific events in my life, watching scary movies would be the last thing I'd want to do. Strangely enough, it's not even close. 

"Okay, we should definitely start with the iconic Freddy Krueger," Mindy starts. I nod in agreement, supernatural horror with silly effects is peak cinema. So just like that, Mindy and I make a pact to watch at least one movie a day. 

It's my fifth day in the hospital bedroom, although it feels like the 500th. There's not much to do when no one else is around.

I hear footsteps approaching my door. It's probably the nurse here to take my vitals. The door slowly opens and in step Sid and Tatum.

"Hey Kirby, feeling okay?" Tatum asks.

"I feel like I've been stabbed multiple times, but I'm healing," I smile weakly.

"Yeah, stab wounds hurt like a bitch," Tatum sympathizes.

"How about you guys?" I ask.

"Catching up on some old memories," Sid smiles, "been a while since I've been around here."

"Yeah, what's it like to be back?" I continue the conversation.

"It's a whirlwind of emotion, to be sure," Sid starts, Tatum squeezes her hand, calming her, "but it's nice to be here and not have to worry about a murderer for the moment."

"Yeah," I say, "yeah."

"Well, we're going to check up on Gale, but it was so nice to talk to you," Tatum smiles brightly. I feel like I should get to know them both better. They're good people.

About an hour later, Sam comes into my room, distraught.

"Sam, are you okay?" I ask, "you look a bit... out of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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