Chapter 7: Team Seven Formation!

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it's been about a week since Naruto and Sasuke got started on the first step of the Rasengan. They both have finished it a few times but not enough to move on according to Jiraiya. The pair of soon to be genins have been trying to master it. Kakashi bumped into the two and gave them a hint. The two boys haven't got it quite yet though.

Meanwhile, because of this training they haven't been paying attention to review and their grades are suffering some. Hinata is now a shoe in for Rookie of the Year. She noticed Naruto and Sasuke haven't been paying attention and how one of the kids mention they were training with one of the Sannin. Hinata was happy for Naruto. And it seemed Sasuke was also lighting up for his interactions with Naruto and the Sannin.

"NARUTO! Pay attention. I'm glad you've improved over the year but that doesn't mean you can slack off!" Iruka shouted at Naruto who was lost in thought. He looked around the class.

"Why are you singling me out? Sasuke is just as much in thought as me and Shikamaru is literally sleeping." Naruto pointed out. "I'm busy trying to figure out a jutsu. Same as Sasuke probably." Naruto continued.

"A jutsu? What kind of Jutsu could you be practicing?" Kiba asked out loud in disbelief.

"Now is not the time to discuss that! Naruto just pay attention!" Iruka interrupted. The class went back to work for the time being. Iruka was going through the class' practice test for the exam coming up and Sakura, Hinata, Sasuke and Naruto had the highest grades in that order. Sakura got a perfect score of 20/20, Hinata got a great score of 19/20, Sasuke got himself a 17/20, and Naruto got a score of 16/20. The rest of the class averaged out from 9-13 correct. The Chunin was a little upset that his class couldn't get more than half of the questions right.

Naruto sat bored at his desk while filling out the assignment the class was given. 'How can I do the water balloon part in less than a second? Why does it matter if I can do it already within five seconds?' Naruto thought to himself.

Flashback (2 days ago)

"We did it Jiraiya-Sensei!" The blonde screamed out. He and Sasuke managed to do it two times each. They both demonstrated it to Jiraiya as well.

"Well, I guess you did now. It takes too long to perform. You both must get it under a second. Once you get that part down, we will move to the second phase." Jiraiya said to his newest students.

Sasuke gave the classic Uchiha grunt while Naruto started to get a little irritated. "Sensei! Why do we have to do it under a second?" He whined. Sasuke looked at him and started to say something to his blonde training partner.

"You know, I still don't get how you're this annoying. It's simple we didn't perfect it yet. Once we do Master Jiraiya won't have a problem showing us the second part. Besides we will probably get it within the next few days." Sasuke said.

"Actually, you won't make too much progress on the Rasengan yet. I have to leave the village for an important mission. I'll be gone roughly two to three months five or take." Jiraiya told his students.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Sasuke asked. He wasn't too attached to Jiraiya, but he was helping him get stronger each day.

"By the time you get back, we will already have graduated and been assigned teams for at least 2-3 weeks." Naruto said. Jiraiya smiled at the pair of boys.

"Listen, you both will do good. Besides I think I know who your teacher will be and just a hint, he knows the Rasengan too!" Jiraiya said. He snickered at what he would be putting Kakashi throw because these boys are a handful. "Anyways I'll be back soon brats. Do good in class, and I'll be able to help you out with the last part of the Rasengan, assuming you get the first and second part down." He stated.

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